Transparent electronics for wearable electronics application
Recent advancements in wearable electronics offer seamless integration with the human
body for extracting various biophysical and biochemical information for real-time health …
body for extracting various biophysical and biochemical information for real-time health …
Advances in the design and assembly of flexible thermoelectric device
Owing to their capabilities of solid-state conversion between heat and electricity, zero-
emission, and high flexibility, flexible thermoelectric devices (F-TEDs) have exhibited great …
emission, and high flexibility, flexible thermoelectric devices (F-TEDs) have exhibited great …
Advanced thermoelectric design: from materials and structures to devices
The long-standing popularity of thermoelectric materials has contributed to the creation of
various thermoelectric devices and stimulated the development of strategies to improve their …
various thermoelectric devices and stimulated the development of strategies to improve their …
Smart textiles for electricity generation
Textiles have been concomitant of human civilization for thousands of years. With the
advances in chemistry and materials, integrating textiles with energy harvesters will provide …
advances in chemistry and materials, integrating textiles with energy harvesters will provide …
Smart textile‐integrated microelectronic systems for wearable applications
The programmable nature of smart textiles makes them an indispensable part of an
emerging new technology field. Smart textile‐integrated microelectronic systems (STIMES) …
emerging new technology field. Smart textile‐integrated microelectronic systems (STIMES) …
Flexible thermoelectric materials and generators: challenges and innovations
The urgent need for ecofriendly, stable, long‐lifetime power sources is driving the booming
market for miniaturized and integrated electronics, including wearable and medical …
market for miniaturized and integrated electronics, including wearable and medical …
Challenges and opportunities in low-dimensional thermoelectric nanomaterials
Thermoelectric materials can convert heat into electrical energy, which can potentially be
used to improve the fuel efficiency of conventional heat engines. In recent decades …
used to improve the fuel efficiency of conventional heat engines. In recent decades …
Directional Thermal Diffusion Realizing Inorganic Sb2Te3/Te Hybrid Thin Films with High Thermoelectric Performance and Flexibility
Inorganic films possess much higher thermoelectric performance than their organic
counterparts, but their poor flexibilities limit their practical applications. Here, Sb2Te3/Tex …
counterparts, but their poor flexibilities limit their practical applications. Here, Sb2Te3/Tex …
Thermoelectric materials and applications for energy harvesting power generation
Thermoelectrics, in particular solid-state conversion of heat to electricity, is expected to be a
key energy harvesting technology to power ubiquitous sensors and wearable devices in the …
key energy harvesting technology to power ubiquitous sensors and wearable devices in the …
[HTML][HTML] Flexible thermoelectric materials and devices
Thermoelectric generators (TEGs) can directly convert waste heat into electrical power. In
the last few decades, most research on thermoelectrics has focused on inorganic bulk …
the last few decades, most research on thermoelectrics has focused on inorganic bulk …