Contact lens package

CB Lee, JP Tang, CC Ng, LY Lim - US Patent 9,119,450, 2015 - Google Patents
The present invention, in one aspect, provides a method for packaging a hydrogel contact
lens, comprising the steps of (a) providing a plastic container having a cavity and a flat …

Systems and methods for sealing containers having a non-planar flange

SP Wilcox - US Patent 9,221,565, 2015 - Google Patents
(57) ABSTRACT A method of sealing a package containing a food product is provided. The
method comprises applying a lid to a non planar flange Surrounding a periphery of the food …

Packaging seal plate having a shaped face

SN Carr, JS Foley, KM Grothe, R Schmieder… - US Patent App. 12 …, 2009 - Google Patents
(57) ABSTRACT Correspondence Address: CBA VISION CORPORATION A seal plate for
use in Sealing ophthalmic lens blister pack PATENT DEPARTMENT ages having a laminate …

Tray sealer and method

A Mader - US Patent App. 14/226,668, 2014 - Google Patents
It is the object of the present invention to expand the functionality of a tray sealer. A tray
sealer according to the invention may comprise a tray seat and an upper sealing tool part …