Goal-oriented requirements engineering: an extended systematic map** study
Over the last two decades, much attention has been paid to the area of goal-oriented
requirements engineering (GORE), where goals are used as a useful conceptualization to …
requirements engineering (GORE), where goals are used as a useful conceptualization to …
A systematic literature review of istar extensions
Abstract iStar is a general-purpose goal-based modelling language used to model
requirements at early and late phases of software development. It has been used in …
requirements at early and late phases of software development. It has been used in …
Empirical software engineering: from discipline to interdiscipline
DM Fernández, JH Passoth - Journal of Systems and Software, 2019 - Elsevier
Empirical software engineering has received much attention in recent years and coined the
shift from a more design-science-driven engineering discipline to an insight-oriented, and …
shift from a more design-science-driven engineering discipline to an insight-oriented, and …
Recommendation systems-based software requirements elicitation process—a systematic literature review
Requirements elicitation is one of the fundamental sub-processes of requirements
engineering which is used to find the needs of stakeholders. There are several activities in …
engineering which is used to find the needs of stakeholders. There are several activities in …
Reusable elements for the systematic design of privacy-friendly information systems: A map** study
Privacy by design is a new paradigm that promotes embedding privacy considerations
throughout the development of information systems, to protect user privacy. Privacy …
throughout the development of information systems, to protect user privacy. Privacy …
Does goal-oriented requirements engineering achieve its goal?
A Mavin, P Wilkinson, S Teufl, H Femmer… - 2017 IEEE 25th …, 2017 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The number of papers and articles on goals would suggest that goal-oriented requirements
engineering is a well understood and mature area within the requirements engineering …
engineering is a well understood and mature area within the requirements engineering …
Creative goal modeling for innovative requirements
J Horkoff, NA Maiden, D Asboth - Information and software Technology, 2019 - Elsevier
Context When determining the functions and qualities (aka requirements) for a system,
creativity is key to drive innovation and foster business success. However, creative …
creativity is key to drive innovation and foster business success. However, creative …
Spectral subspace sparsification
H Li, A Schild - 2018 IEEE 59th Annual Symposium on …, 2018 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
We introduce a new approach to spectral sparsification that approximates the quadratic form
of the pseudoinverse of a graph Laplacian restricted to a subspace. We show that sparsifiers …
of the pseudoinverse of a graph Laplacian restricted to a subspace. We show that sparsifiers …
A rule-based approach for the identification of quality improvement opportunities in GRL models
Goal-oriented modeling languages have been proposed to elicit, analyze, and document
high-level system requirements in the early stages of the requirements engineering (RE) …
high-level system requirements in the early stages of the requirements engineering (RE) …
[PDF][PDF] Towards an Ontology of Goal-Oriented Requirements.
Goal-Oriented Requirements Engineering (GORE) has grown into an important area of
research in the past decades. Still, some of its corners remain dark, since different GORE …
research in the past decades. Still, some of its corners remain dark, since different GORE …