Assessing real-world gait with digital technology? Validation, insights and recommendations from the Mobilise-D consortium
Background Although digital mobility outcomes (DMOs) can be readily calculated from real-
world data collected with wearable devices and ad-hoc algorithms, technical validation is …
world data collected with wearable devices and ad-hoc algorithms, technical validation is …
A multi-sensor wearable system for the assessment of diseased gait in real-world conditions
Introduction: Accurately assessing people's gait, especially in real-world conditions and in
case of impaired mobility, is still a challenge due to intrinsic and extrinsic factors resulting in …
case of impaired mobility, is still a challenge due to intrinsic and extrinsic factors resulting in …
Mobility recorded by wearable devices and gold standards: the Mobilise-D procedure for data standardization
Wearable devices are used in movement analysis and physical activity research to extract
clinically relevant information about an individual's mobility. Still, heterogeneity in protocols …
clinically relevant information about an individual's mobility. Still, heterogeneity in protocols …
Running speed changes the distribution of excitation within the biceps femoris muscle in 80 m sprints
Predictors and mitigators of strain injuries have been studied in sprint‐related sports. While
the rate of axial strain, and thus running speed, may determine the site of muscle failure …
the rate of axial strain, and thus running speed, may determine the site of muscle failure …
Complexities and challenges of translating intervention success to real world gait in people with Parkinson's disease
Background Unstable gait leading to falls negatively impacts the quality of life in many
people with Parkinson's disease (PD). Systematic review evidence provides moderate to …
people with Parkinson's disease (PD). Systematic review evidence provides moderate to …
Ecological validity of a deep learning algorithm to detect gait events from real-life walking bouts in mobility-limiting diseases
Introduction The clinical assessment of mobility, and walking specifically, is still mainly
based on functional tests that lack ecological validity. Thanks to inertial measurement units …
based on functional tests that lack ecological validity. Thanks to inertial measurement units …
Base of support, step length and stride width estimation during walking using an inertial and infrared wearable system
The analysis of the stability of human gait may be effectively performed when estimates of
the base of support are available. The base of support area is defined by the relative …
the base of support are available. The base of support area is defined by the relative …
Arbitrary spatial trajectory reconstruction based on a single inertial sensor
Compared with visible, infrared rays, and ultrasonic positioning technologies, the signal
acquisition of portable inertial sensors is not affected by the external environment, such as …
acquisition of portable inertial sensors is not affected by the external environment, such as …
Design and validation of a multi-task, multi-context protocol for real-world gait simulation
Background Measuring mobility in daily life entails dealing with confounding factors arising
from multiple sources, including pathological characteristics, patient specific walking …
from multiple sources, including pathological characteristics, patient specific walking …
A robust walking detection algorithm using a single foot-worn inertial sensor: validation in real-life settings
Walking activity and gait parameters are considered among the most relevant mobility-
related parameters. Currently, gait assessments have been mainly analyzed in laboratory or …
related parameters. Currently, gait assessments have been mainly analyzed in laboratory or …