System and method for allocating resources of a server to a virtual machine
A Mohamed, K Santhana-Krishman - US Patent App. 13/319,770, 2012 - Google Patents
BACKGROUND 0001 Virtualization is one of the primary tools that an organization uses to
efficiently maximize the usage of physi cal system resources. With virtualization, a fraction of …
efficiently maximize the usage of physi cal system resources. With virtualization, a fraction of …
Method and apparatus for deploying a set of virtual software resource templates to a set of nodes
US8108855B2 - Method and apparatus for deploying a set of virtual software resource
templates to a set of nodes - Google Patents US8108855B2 - Method and apparatus for …
templates to a set of nodes - Google Patents US8108855B2 - Method and apparatus for …
Automatically generating system restoration order for network recovery
MP DeHaan, AK Likins, SK Vidal - US Patent 8,667,096, 2014 - Google Patents
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Google Patents US8667096B2 - Automatically generating system restoration order for …
Google Patents US8667096B2 - Automatically generating system restoration order for …
Administrator tool of an electronic gaming system and method of processing gaming profiles controlled by the system
G White, J Crawford, J Lester - US Patent App. 11/419,905, 2006 - Google Patents
An electronic gaming system has a plurality of tables each having a plurality of electronic
player interaction areas (EPIA's) spaced preferably about a table periphery so that a gaming …
player interaction areas (EPIA's) spaced preferably about a table periphery so that a gaming …
Dynamically configuring, allocating and deploying computing systems
CM Lin, S Zhou, D Nandan, JL Albertson - US Patent 7,761,538, 2010 - Google Patents
BACKGROUND Technology has become an integral part in the day-to-day operations of
many, if not most, business models. Some busi ness models rely on a large number of …
many, if not most, business models. Some busi ness models rely on a large number of …
Providing hardware updates in a software environment
MP DeHaan, AK Likins, SK Vidal - US Patent 8,775,578, 2014 - Google Patents
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TZelnic et al. 6,105,100 A 8, 2000 Dean et al. 6.212, 585 B1 4/2001 Chrabaszcz 6,243,747 …
Virtual resource templates
DM Chess, A Giammaria, JE Hanson, RL Orr… - US Patent …, 2012 - Google Patents
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Electronic gaming system and method of house collection
JT Crawford, GH White, HJ Shinn, JT Lester… - US Patent App. 11 …, 2007 - Google Patents
An electronic gaming system has at least one table having a plurality of electronic player
interaction areas (EPIA's) spaced preferably about the table so that a gaming player may …
interaction areas (EPIA's) spaced preferably about the table so that a gaming player may …
Systems and methods for storage allocation in provisioning of virtual machines
MP DeHaan - US Patent 8,103,776, 2012 - Google Patents
6,105,100 A 8, 2000 Dean et al. identify and access a set of storage resources, Such as hard
6,212,585 B1 4/2001 Chrabaszcz disk or other storage, to be associated with the set of …
6,212,585 B1 4/2001 Chrabaszcz disk or other storage, to be associated with the set of …
Methods and systems for managing network connections in a software provisioning environment
MP DeHaan, IIJJ Eckersberg - US Patent 8,326,972, 2012 - Google Patents
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provisioning environment - Google Patents US8326972B2 - Methods and systems for …
provisioning environment - Google Patents US8326972B2 - Methods and systems for …