The biological assessment and rehabilitation of the world's rivers: An overview
The biological assessment of rivers ie, their assessment through use of aquatic
assemblages, integrates the effects of multiple-stressors on these systems over time and is …
assemblages, integrates the effects of multiple-stressors on these systems over time and is …
[HTML][HTML] Assemblage-based biomonitoring of freshwater ecosystem health via multimetric indices: A critical review and suggestions for improving their applicability
Freshwater biota are more comprehensive and direct indicators of biological impacts, and
more meaningful to the public than water quality or physical habitat surrogates. Freshwater …
more meaningful to the public than water quality or physical habitat surrogates. Freshwater …
Stream biomonitoring using macroinvertebrates around the globe: a comparison of large-scale programs
Water quality agencies and scientists are increasingly adopting standardized sampling
methodologies because of the challenges associated with interpreting data derived from …
methodologies because of the challenges associated with interpreting data derived from …
Global trends and challenges in multimetric indices of biological condition
The use of multimetric indices (MMIs) of biological condition has been globally applied
because they are practical tools that incorporate various biological metrics at different levels …
because they are practical tools that incorporate various biological metrics at different levels …
Land cover disturbance homogenizes aquatic insect functional structure in neotropical savanna streams
By modifying local habitat conditions, the alteration of land cover can result in severe faunal
impairment, subsequently affecting ecosystem functioning. We analyzed changes in the …
impairment, subsequently affecting ecosystem functioning. We analyzed changes in the …
[HTML][HTML] Physical habitat in conterminous US streams and Rivers, part 2: A quantitative assessment of habitat condition
Rigorous assessments of the ecological condition of water resources and the effect of
human activities on those waters require quantitative physical, chemical, and biological …
human activities on those waters require quantitative physical, chemical, and biological …
Influence of watershed land use and riparian characteristics on biological indicators of stream water quality in southeastern Brazil
Land use changes and riparian corridor degradation strongly influence the water quality of
low-order streams at different spatial scales. Stream water quality can be analyzed by …
low-order streams at different spatial scales. Stream water quality can be analyzed by …
A scientometric assessment of 30 years of the Index of Biotic Integrity in aquatic ecosystems: applications and main flaws
In 1981, James R. Karr's paper 'Assessment of biotic integrity using fish communities'
provided the first description of a multimetric procedure to assess the biotic integrity of …
provided the first description of a multimetric procedure to assess the biotic integrity of …
Extreme drought pushes stream invertebrate communities over functional thresholds
Functional traits are increasingly being used to predict extinction risks and range shifts
under long‐term climate change scenarios, but have rarely been used to study vulnerability …
under long‐term climate change scenarios, but have rarely been used to study vulnerability …
[HTML][HTML] Functional responses of Odonata larvae to human disturbances in neotropical savanna headwater streams
Headwater streams are facing increasing disturbances from human pressures worldwide,
thus better knowledge about bioindicators, particularly aquatic insect responses to various …
thus better knowledge about bioindicators, particularly aquatic insect responses to various …