Stakeholder tracking and analysis: The RepTrak® system for measuring corporate reputation
Abstract 'Reputation'is increasingly recognized for its influence in creating stakeholder
support and engagement with companies. Both researchers and practitioners would …
support and engagement with companies. Both researchers and practitioners would …
Exploring academic reputation–is it a multidimensional construct?
Purpose–The purpose of this paper is to explore the possible congruence of an academic
organization's reputation among various stakeholder groups. A potential measure of …
organization's reputation among various stakeholder groups. A potential measure of …
Linking customer justice perception, customer support perception, and customer citizenship behavior to corporate reputation: evidence from the airline industry
İG Cintamür - Corporate Reputation Review, 2023 - Springer
By applying the equity theory, organizational support theory, signaling theory, and the social
exchange theory to the customer context, this study intends to investigate the antecedents …
exchange theory to the customer context, this study intends to investigate the antecedents …
Modelo de administración de marcas: un enfoque teórico basado en la teoría general de sistemas
MM García, GB González, Z Li… - Esic …, 2018 - revistasinvestigacion.esic.edu
Este artículo presenta un Modelo Sistémico de Administración de Marcas basado en las
aportaciones de la literatura conceptual y empírica. El objetivo es analizar las aportaciones …
aportaciones de la literatura conceptual y empírica. El objetivo es analizar las aportaciones …
Acquirer's corporate reputation in cross-border acquisitions: the moderating effect of country image
M Matarazzo, G Lanzilli, R Resciniti - Journal of Product & Brand …, 2018 - emerald.com
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to investigate whether, in the context of a cross-border
acquisition, the acquirer's country image (CI) could moderate the relationship between the …
acquisition, the acquirer's country image (CI) could moderate the relationship between the …
Creating shared value in the context of sustainability: The communication strategy of MNCs
Creating shared value in the context of sustainability is a way to integrate stakeholders in
business management. In addition, companies use a specific communication strategy to …
business management. In addition, companies use a specific communication strategy to …
U Juju, T Supriadi - Jurnal Riset Bisnis Dan Manajemen, 2024 - journal.unpas.ac.id
The purpose of this study is to determine the Effect of Marketing Mix Strategies and
Marketing Relationship Strategies on Competitive Advantage and Its Implications for …
Marketing Relationship Strategies on Competitive Advantage and Its Implications for …
[PDF][PDF] Application of Selected Facets of RepTrak™ Reputation Model on Carlsberg Malaysia as One of the Companies in Tobacco, Gambling, Alcohol and …
TJ Chan, T Sathasevam, PNM Noor… - International Journal of …, 2018 - academia.edu
Corporate reputation is an intangible asset that brings many benefits to organizations. Past
empirical studies showed that specific facets of RepTrak™ odel positi el i flue ed the …
empirical studies showed that specific facets of RepTrak™ odel positi el i flue ed the …
Corporate Social Responsibility und die Effekte nachhaltiger Unternehmenspraktiken und unterschiedlicher Greenwashing-Methoden auf die …
S Mütze - Junior Management Science, 2022 - jums.ub.uni-muenchen.de
Mit dem zunehmenden Bewusstsein für nachhaltigen Konsum gewinnt Corporate Social
Responsibility (CSR) immer mehr an Bedeutung. Bei der Kommunikation ebendieser …
Responsibility (CSR) immer mehr an Bedeutung. Bei der Kommunikation ebendieser …
Assessing reputational risk: a four point matrix
Corporate strategies have been increasingly confronted with the need to measure and
manage corporate reputation. Despite the importance associated with measuring and …
manage corporate reputation. Despite the importance associated with measuring and …