Volcanic lightning and plume behavior reveal evolving hazards during the April 2015 eruption of Calbuco volcano, Chile
Soon after the onset of an eruption, model forecasts of ash dispersal are used to mitigate the
hazards to aircraft, infrastructure, and communities downwind. However, it is a significant …
hazards to aircraft, infrastructure, and communities downwind. However, it is a significant …
[HTML][HTML] The Independent Volcanic Eruption Source Parameter Archive (IVESPA, version 1.0): A new observational database to support explosive eruptive column …
Eruptive column models are powerful tools for investigating the transport of volcanic gas and
ash, reconstructing past explosive eruptions, and simulating future hazards. However, the …
ash, reconstructing past explosive eruptions, and simulating future hazards. However, the …
Community established best practice recommendations for tephra studies—from collection through analysis
Tephra is a unique volcanic product with an unparalleled role in understanding past
eruptions, long-term behavior of volcanoes, and the effects of volcanism on climate and the …
eruptions, long-term behavior of volcanoes, and the effects of volcanism on climate and the …
The global magnitude–frequency relationship for large explosive volcanic eruptions
For volcanoes, as for other natural hazards, the frequency of large events diminishes with
their magnitude, as captured by the magnitude–frequency relationship. Assessing this …
their magnitude, as captured by the magnitude–frequency relationship. Assessing this …
Sources of uncertainty in the Mazama isopachs and the implications for interpreting distal tephra deposits from large magnitude eruptions
Estimating the area of tephra fallout and volume of large magnitude eruptions is
fundamental to interpretations of the hazards posed by eruptions of this scale. This study …
fundamental to interpretations of the hazards posed by eruptions of this scale. This study …
The magnitude of the 39.8 ka Campanian Ignimbrite eruption, Italy: Method, uncertainties and errors
The calculation of the magnitude of an eruption needs the accurate estimate of its deposit
volume. This is particularly critical for ignimbrites as no methods for their volume calculations …
volume. This is particularly critical for ignimbrites as no methods for their volume calculations …
Temporal models for the episodic volcanism of Campi Flegrei caldera (Italy) with uncertainty quantification
After the large‐scale event of Neapolitan Yellow Tuff (~ 15 ka BP), intense and mostly
explosive volcanism has occurred within and along the boundaries of the Campi Flegrei …
explosive volcanism has occurred within and along the boundaries of the Campi Flegrei …
Assessing volumes of tephra fallout deposits: a simplified method for data scarcity cases
A new method for assessing volumes of tephra deposits based on only two thickness data is
presented. It is based on the assumptions of elliptical shape for isopachs, a statistical …
presented. It is based on the assumptions of elliptical shape for isopachs, a statistical …
Low efficiency of large volcanic eruptions in transporting very fine ash into the atmosphere
Volcanic ash clouds are common, often unpredictable, phenomena generated during
explosive eruptions. Mainly composed of very fine ash particles, they can be transported in …
explosive eruptions. Mainly composed of very fine ash particles, they can be transported in …
Remotely assessing tephra fall building damage and vulnerability: Kelud Volcano, Indonesia
Tephra from large explosive eruptions can cause damage to buildings over wide
geographical areas, creating a variety of issues for post-eruption recovery. This means that …
geographical areas, creating a variety of issues for post-eruption recovery. This means that …