A checklist for health research priority setting: nine common themes of good practice

RF Viergever, S Olifson, A Ghaffar, RF Terry - Health research policy and …, 2010 - Springer
Health research priority setting processes assist researchers and policymakers in effectively
targeting research that has the greatest potential public health benefit. Many different …

'Real-world'health care priority setting using explicit decision criteria: a systematic review of the literature

I Cromwell, SJ Peacock, C Mitton - BMC health services research, 2015 - Springer
Background Health care decision making requires making resource allocation decisions
among programs, services, and technologies that all compete for a finite resource pool …

Adapting the nominal group technique for priority setting of evidence-practice gaps in implementation science

NM Rankin, D McGregor, PN Butow, K White… - BMC medical research …, 2016 - Springer
Background There are a variety of methods for priority setting in health research but few
studies have addressed how to prioritise the gaps that exist between research evidence and …

A politics of priority setting: Ideas, interests and institutions in healthcare resource allocation

N Smith, C Mitton, A Davidson… - Public Policy and …, 2014 - journals.sagepub.com
Across a range of health care systems there is a responsibility placed on meso-level budget
holders to set priorities and allocate resources within constrained budgets. The literature …

Sustainability in Health care by Allocating Resources Effectively (SHARE) 10: operationalising disinvestment in a conceptual framework for resource allocation

C Harris, S Green, AG Elshaug - BMC health services research, 2017 - Springer
Background This is the tenth in a series of papers reporting a program of Sustainability in
Health care by Allocating Resources Effectively (SHARE) in a local healthcare setting. After …

What comparative effectiveness research is needed? A framework for using guidelines and systematic reviews to identify evidence gaps and research priorities

T Li, SS Vedula, R Scherer… - Annals of internal medicine, 2012 - acpjournals.org
The authors developed and tested a framework for identifying evidence gaps and prioritizing
comparative effectiveness research by using a combination of clinical practice guidelines …

The relationship between chronic kidney disease–associated pruritus and health-related quality of life: a systematic review

E Poku, S Harnan, G Rooney, MMS James… - Clinical Kidney …, 2022 - academic.oup.com
Background Chronic kidney disease–associated pruritus (CKD-aP) is a common and
burdensome condition for end-stage kidney disease (ESKD) patients, especially those …

Prioritising patient care: The different views of clinicians and managers

H Skirbekk, MH Hem, P Nortvedt - Nursing ethics, 2018 - journals.sagepub.com
Background: There is little research comparing clinicians' and managers' views on priority
settings in the healthcare services. During research on two different qualitative research …

System tools for system change

CD Willis, C Mitton, J Gordon, A Best - BMJ Quality & Safety, 2012 - qualitysafety.bmj.com
Background Health system transformations are influenced by dynamic relationships within
and between individuals and institutions, as well as political, educational and legislative …

Priority setting to support a public health research agenda: a modified Delphi study with public health stakeholders in Germany

D Hoekstra, A Gerhardus, SK Lhachimi - Health Research Policy and …, 2023 - Springer
Background Research priority setting (RPS) studies are necessary to close the significant
gap between the scientific evidence produced and the evidence stakeholders need. Their …