Standing on the shoulders of giants? A critical review of empirical talent management research
Purpose–The purpose of this paper is to frame empirical literature on talent management
(TM), and to provide a clear and comprehensive picture of the topics under investigation, the …
(TM), and to provide a clear and comprehensive picture of the topics under investigation, the …
Strategic talent management scholarship: a review of current foci and future directions
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to review strategic talent management (STM) research
with the aim of providing major insights into the under-explored themes, issues, theories and …
with the aim of providing major insights into the under-explored themes, issues, theories and …
[HTML][HTML] Knowledge and human capital as sustainable competitive advantage in human resource management
The ability to do business successfully and to stay on the market is a unique feature of each
company ensured by highly engaged and high-quality employees. Therefore, innovative …
company ensured by highly engaged and high-quality employees. Therefore, innovative …
[КНИГА][B] Talent management in practice: An integrated and dynamic approach
M Thunnissen, E Gallardo-Gallardo - 2017 - emerald.com
References | Emerald Insight Books and journals Case studies Expert Briefings Open Access
Publish with us Advanced search References Marian Thunnissen (Fontys University of Applied …
Publish with us Advanced search References Marian Thunnissen (Fontys University of Applied …
[КНИГА][B] Talent management as a core source of innovation and social development in higher education
In the new millennium, talent management (TM) has become more important and has
received attention from institutions that seek a foundation on the map institutions of …
received attention from institutions that seek a foundation on the map institutions of …
The effect of talent management and emotional intelligence on organizational performance: Applied study on pharmaceutical industry in Jordan
This paper studies the impact of talent management on organizational performance in
Jordanian pharmaceutical companies and evaluates the mediating role of emotional …
Jordanian pharmaceutical companies and evaluates the mediating role of emotional …
[КНИГА][B] Inovasi Birokrasi
GO Nurharyoko - 2020 - books.google.com
Siapa bilang birokrat tidak kerja keras? Siapa bilang birokrat tidak ra**? Banyak birokrat
harus berangkat dari rumahnya pukul 5 pagi, kemudian pulang setelah pukul 10 malam …
harus berangkat dari rumahnya pukul 5 pagi, kemudian pulang setelah pukul 10 malam …
[PDF][PDF] Talent Management and Public Service Competitiveness in Malaysia.
SI Mohamad, NR Mohd Suradi, ZH Zamzuri… - Jurnal …, 2023 - journalarticle.ukm.my
Public service organizations in Malaysia must improve their performance and
competitiveness to safeguard themselves against the potential negative consequences of …
competitiveness to safeguard themselves against the potential negative consequences of …
'Turning job seekers to job creators': talent management module development for TVET graduates
AA Wafi, US Subri, I Asshaari… - Journal of Technical …, 2023 - penerbit.uthm.edu.my
The COVID-19 pandemic negatively impacted the economy, particularly the downsizing of
operations and retrenchment, which affected various sectors. Post-pandemic prompted a …
operations and retrenchment, which affected various sectors. Post-pandemic prompted a …
[PDF][PDF] Talent management and employee retention practices: A systematic literature review and future agenda
Management has been creating a lot of buzz and gaining significant consideration from the
practitioners in the last decade. Though, the academic circle is full of literature on existing …
practitioners in the last decade. Though, the academic circle is full of literature on existing …