Dynamics of connected vehicle systems with delayed acceleration feedback
In this paper, acceleration-based connected cruise control (CCC) is proposed to increase
roadway traffic mobility. CCC is designed to be able to use acceleration signals received …
roadway traffic mobility. CCC is designed to be able to use acceleration signals received …
Benefits of V2V communication for autonomous and connected vehicles
In this paper, we investigate the benefits of vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communication for
autonomous vehicles and provide results on how V2V information helps reduce employable …
autonomous vehicles and provide results on how V2V information helps reduce employable …
Joint communication and control for wireless autonomous vehicular platoon systems
Autonomous vehicular platoons will play an important role in improving on-road safety in
tomorrow's smart cities. Vehicles in an autonomous platoon can exploit vehicle-to-vehicle …
tomorrow's smart cities. Vehicles in an autonomous platoon can exploit vehicle-to-vehicle …
Impacts of connected automated vehicles on freeway traffic patterns at different penetration levels
In this paper we investigate the effects of connected automated vehicles on traffic patterns.
We first experimentally study traffic patterns using two connected human-driven vehicles …
We first experimentally study traffic patterns using two connected human-driven vehicles …
Minimum time headway in platooning systems under the MPF topology for different wireless communication scenario
The multiple-predecessor following (MPF) topology is used in vehicle platoons to make it
robustly string stable and reduce the minimum employable time headway. It has been …
robustly string stable and reduce the minimum employable time headway. It has been …
An Adaptive Spacing Policy Guaranteeing String Stability in Multi-Brand Ad Hoc Platoons
G Rödönyi - IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation …, 2017 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
A method is presented for the longitudinal control of autonomous vehicles forming a multi-
brand, ad hoc platoon. A leader and predecessor following (LPF) control architecture is …
brand, ad hoc platoon. A leader and predecessor following (LPF) control architecture is …
Longitudinal control-oriented spectrum sharing based on C-V2X for vehicle platoons
Combined with the development of wireless communication, the vehicle platoon will play a
key role in the field of intelligent transportation system, due to its significant advantages in …
key role in the field of intelligent transportation system, due to its significant advantages in …
Stability analysis of connected cruise control with stochastic delays
In this paper we investigate the concept of connected cruise control (CCC) where vehicles
rely on ad-hoc wireless vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communication to control their longitudinal …
rely on ad-hoc wireless vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communication to control their longitudinal …
Platoon trajectory completion in a mixed traffic environment under sparse observation
Obtaining sufficient trajectory data of human-driven vehicles (HDVs) is critical for effective
control of connected automated vehicles (CAVs) in mixed traffic of HDVs and CAVs …
control of connected automated vehicles (CAVs) in mixed traffic of HDVs and CAVs …
Analysis of connected vehicle networks using network-based perturbation techniques
In this paper we propose a novel technique to decompose networked systems and use this
technique to investigate the dynamics of connected vehicle networks with wireless vehicle-to …
technique to investigate the dynamics of connected vehicle networks with wireless vehicle-to …