One name for two concepts: A systematic literature review about meta‐organizations
Existing literature on meta‐organization is divided into two distinct streams in organizational
and management studies, with different definitions and boundaries, potentially leading to …
and management studies, with different definitions and boundaries, potentially leading to …
From a clash of social orders to a loss of decidability in meta-organizations tackling grand challenges: The case of Japan leaving the International Whaling …
Meta-organizations are crucial devices to tackle grand challenges. Yet, by bringing together
different organizations, with potentially diverging views on these grand challenges, meta …
different organizations, with potentially diverging views on these grand challenges, meta …
The organization of digital platforms: The role of digital technology and architecture for social order
Digital platforms pervade contemporary societies, but sociology currently lacks a general
concept for investigating them. Platforms combine technology and organizational elements …
concept for investigating them. Platforms combine technology and organizational elements …
Filling successive technologically-induced governance gaps: meta-organizations as regulatory innovation intermediaries
Successive digital innovations create technologically-induced governance gaps that make
public regulation quickly obsolete and that might be filled by sectoral governance. The …
public regulation quickly obsolete and that might be filled by sectoral governance. The …
[KNYGA][B] Routledge handbook of the communicative constitution of organization
Title: The Routledge handbook of the communicative constitution of organization/edited by
Joëlle Basque, Nicolas Bencherki and Timothy Kuhn. Description: New York, NY …
Joëlle Basque, Nicolas Bencherki and Timothy Kuhn. Description: New York, NY …
Meta-organizations: A clarification and a way forward
Meta-Organizations: A Clarification and a Way Forward | Cairn.info Cairn.info, Matières à
réflexion Cairn.info, Matières à réflexion Aucune suggestion trouvée Compte personnel Adresse …
réflexion Cairn.info, Matières à réflexion Aucune suggestion trouvée Compte personnel Adresse …
Meta-organizations for sustainability transformations: Navigating tensions between imperatives of transition and meta-organizationality
How do we change social orders to deliver a sustainable future? A growing literature in
organization studies argues that meta-organizations are part of the answer. Meta …
organization studies argues that meta-organizations are part of the answer. Meta …
Organization systems and their social environments: The role of functionally differentiated society and face-to-face interaction rituals
W Schirmer - Sociological thinking in contemporary organizational …, 2024 - emerald.com
Organizations are affected top-down by the overarching societies and bottom-up by
foundational face-to-face encounters: societies provide norms, values, laws, institutions …
foundational face-to-face encounters: societies provide norms, values, laws, institutions …
Platform organising and platform organisations
KG Rachlitz - 2023 - ntnuopen.ntnu.no
There is a growing consensus that the digital age comes along with the distinguishing
organisational form of the platform. Discussions of this organisational form, however, tend to …
organisational form of the platform. Discussions of this organisational form, however, tend to …
Algorithmic responsibility without accountability: Understanding data‐intensive algorithms and decisions in organisations
Social science research has been concerned for several years with the issue of shifting
responsibilities in organisations due to the increased use of data‐intensive algorithms. Much …
responsibilities in organisations due to the increased use of data‐intensive algorithms. Much …