Optimal mass transport for shape matching and comparison
Surface based 3D shape analysis plays a fundamental role in computer vision and medical
imaging. This work proposes to use optimal mass transport map for shape matching and …
imaging. This work proposes to use optimal mass transport map for shape matching and …
Variational principles for Minkowski type problems, discrete optimal transport, and discrete Monge-Ampere equations
Area-preserving hierarchical NURBS surfaces computed by the optimal freeform transformation
The equiareality of NURBS surfaces highly affects their rendering and tessellation results.
To improve the equiareality of NURBS surfaces, an optimization algorithm using freeform …
To improve the equiareality of NURBS surfaces, an optimization algorithm using freeform …
Deep transfer learning for cerebral cortex using area-preserving geometry map**
Limited sample size hinders the application of deep learning in brain image analysis, and
transfer learning is a possible solution. However, most pretrained models are 2D based and …
transfer learning is a possible solution. However, most pretrained models are 2D based and …
An algorithm for optimal transport between a simplex soup and a point cloud
We propose a numerical method to find the optimal transport map between a measure
supported on a lower-dimensional subset of R^d and a finitely supported measure. More …
supported on a lower-dimensional subset of R^d and a finitely supported measure. More …
Multiscale Nonrigid Point Cloud Registration Using Rotation-Invariant Sliced-Wasserstein Distance via Laplace--Beltrami Eigenmap
In this work, we propose computational models and algorithms for point cloud registration
with nonrigid transformation. First, point clouds sampled from manifolds originally embedded …
with nonrigid transformation. First, point clouds sampled from manifolds originally embedded …