Predicting the poverty impacts of trade reform
Quantifying how international trade affects poverty in develo** countries is currently an
area of intense research activity. This paper surveys the developments taking place …
area of intense research activity. This paper surveys the developments taking place …
Poverty effects of higher food prices: a global perspective
The spike in international food prices between 2005 and the first half of 2008 drew much
attention to the vulnerability of the poor to such shocks. This paper provides a formal …
attention to the vulnerability of the poor to such shocks. This paper provides a formal …
Methods for including income distribution in global CGE models for long-term climate change research
The consequences of climate policy and the impacts of climate change vary among different
types of households depending on their income level, expenditure pattern, and other …
types of households depending on their income level, expenditure pattern, and other …
Asian growth and trade poles: India, China, and East and Southeast Asia
S McDonald, S Robinson, K Thierfelder - World Development, 2008 - Elsevier
Using a global general equilibrium trade model, this study analyzes the impact on
develo** countries, of (1) the dramatic expansion of trade by India, China, and an …
develo** countries, of (1) the dramatic expansion of trade by India, China, and an …
Economic growth and income distribution: linking macroeconomic models with household survey data at the global level
This paper details the methodology for generating a counter-factual within-country
distribution of income in the GIDD framework. GIDD stands for Global Income Distribution …
distribution of income in the GIDD framework. GIDD stands for Global Income Distribution …
[LIVRE][B] Global growth and distribution
Over the past 20 years, aggregate measures of global inequality have changed little even if
significant structural changes have been observed. High growth rates of China and India …
significant structural changes have been observed. High growth rates of China and India …
Estimating the poverty impacts of a prospective Doha Development Agenda
This paper summarises the findings from a major international research project on the
poverty impacts of a potential Doha Development Agenda. It draws on an intensive analysis …
poverty impacts of a potential Doha Development Agenda. It draws on an intensive analysis …
[PDF][PDF] Sequential linking of computable general equilibrium and microsimulation models: a comparison of behavioural and reweighting techniques
N Hérault - International Journal of Microsimulation, 2010 -
Several approaches have recently been developed to combine a computable general
equilibrium model (CGE) and a microsimulation (MS) model. These so-called CGE-MS …
equilibrium model (CGE) and a microsimulation (MS) model. These so-called CGE-MS …
GTAP-POV: a framework for assessing the national poverty impacts of global economic and environmental change
Increasingly economists are being called on to assess not only the national implications of
global trade and environmental policies, but also the subnational consequences, including …
global trade and environmental policies, but also the subnational consequences, including …
[PDF][PDF] Agricultural trade liberalization, productivity gain and poverty alleviation: A general equilibrium analysis
NB Hassine, V Robichaud, B Decaluwé - Cahier de recherche/Working …, 2010 - Citeseer
Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) models have gained continuously in popularity as
an empirical tool for assessing the impact of trade liberalization on agricultural growth …
an empirical tool for assessing the impact of trade liberalization on agricultural growth …