Formal methods: State of the art and future directions

EM Clarke, JM Wing - ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR), 1996 -
Hardware and software systems will inevitably grow in scale and functionality. Because of
this increase in complexity, the likelihood of subtle errors is much greater. Moreover, some of …

A survey of recent advances in SAT-based formal verification

MR Prasad, A Biere, A Gupta - International Journal on Software Tools for …, 2005 - Springer
Dramatic improvements in SAT solver technology over the last decade and the growing
need for more efficient and scalable verification solutions have fueled research in …

Model checking

EM Clarke - Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical …, 1997 - Springer
Abstract Model checking is an automatic technique for verifying finite-state reactive systems,
such as sequential circuit designs and communication protocols. Specifications are …

Model checking and the state explosion problem

EM Clarke, W Klieber, M Nováček, P Zuliani - LASER Summer School on …, 2011 - Springer
Abstract Model checking is an automatic verification technique for hardware and software
systems that are finite state or have finite state abstractions. It has been used successfully to …

[КНИГА][B] Temporal verification of reactive systems: safety

Z Manna, A Pnueli - 2012 -
This book is about the verification of reactive systems. A reactive system is a system that
maintains an ongoing interaction with its environment, as opposed to computing some final …

[КНИГА][B] Handbook of knowledge representation

F Van Harmelen, V Lifschitz, B Porter - 2008 -
Handbook of Knowledge Representation describes the essential foundations of Knowledge
Representation, which lies at the core of Artificial Intelligence (AI). The book provides an up …

NuSMV: a new symbolic model checker

A Cimatti, E Clarke, F Giunchiglia, M Roveri - International journal on …, 2000 - Springer
This paper describes a new symbolic model checker, called NuSMV, developed as part of a
joint project between CMU and IRST. NuSMV is the result of the reengineering …

[КНИГА][B] Petri nets for systems engineering: a guide to modeling, verification, and applications

C Girault, R Valk - 2013 -
Formal methods for the specification and verification of hardware and software systems are
becoming more and more important as systems increase in size and complexity. The aim of …

Equivalence notions and model minimization in Markov decision processes

R Givan, T Dean, M Greig - Artificial intelligence, 2003 - Elsevier
Many stochastic planning problems can be represented using Markov Decision Processes
(MDPs). A difficulty with using these MDP representations is that the common algorithms for …

Hardware/software co-design

G De Michell, RK Gupta - Proceedings of the IEEE, 1997 -
Most electronic systems, whether self contained or embedded, have a predominant digital
component consisting of a hardware platform which executes software application …