[HTML][HTML] State of the world's raptors: Distributions, threats, and conservation recommendations
Raptors provide critical ecosystem services, yet there is currently no systematic, global
synthesis of their conservation status or threats. We review the International Union for the …
synthesis of their conservation status or threats. We review the International Union for the …
Commentary: defining raptors and birds of prey
Species considered raptors are subjects of monitoring programs, textbooks, scientific
societies, legislation, and multinational agreements. Yet no standard definition for the …
societies, legislation, and multinational agreements. Yet no standard definition for the …
Map** suitable habitats for globally endangered raptors in Kenya: Integrating climate factors and conservation planning
Raptors face global threats like electrocution, collisions, and habitat fragmentation. Many
species remain understudied, and their distribution patterns are unknown. Understanding …
species remain understudied, and their distribution patterns are unknown. Understanding …
[HTML][HTML] Automated monitoring for birds in flight: Proof of concept with eagles at a wind power facility
Automated surveys for wildlife have the potential to improve data collection while averting
mortality of animals. Collisions of eagles at wind power facilities are particularly of concern …
mortality of animals. Collisions of eagles at wind power facilities are particularly of concern …
Status and trends of circumpolar peregrine falcon and gyrfalcon populations
A Franke, K Falk, K Hawkshaw, S Ambrose… - Ambio, 2020 - Springer
The peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus) and the gyrfalcon (Falco rusticolus) are top avian
predators of Arctic ecosystems. Although existing monitoring efforts are well established for …
predators of Arctic ecosystems. Although existing monitoring efforts are well established for …
Landscape heterogeneity affects diurnal raptor communities in a sub-tropical region of northwestern Himalayas, India
Raptors are highly sensitive to environmental and human-induced changes. In addition,
several species of raptors exist in considerably small numbers. It is thus critical to conserve …
several species of raptors exist in considerably small numbers. It is thus critical to conserve …
Demography of a widespread raptor across disparate regions
Demographic differences between stable and declining populations can lend insight into
drivers of population decline. The American Kestrel Falco sparverius is a widespread and …
drivers of population decline. The American Kestrel Falco sparverius is a widespread and …
Conservation letter: Monitoring raptor populations–A call for increased global collaboration and survey standardization
A minimum of 159 bird species, including eight raptor species, have gone extinct since the
year 1500 (BirdLife International 2021). Monitoring programs can help prevent extinction if …
year 1500 (BirdLife International 2021). Monitoring programs can help prevent extinction if …
Attack behaviour in naive gyrfalcons is modelled by the same guidance law as in peregrine falcons, but at a lower guidance gain
The aerial hunting behaviours of birds are strongly influenced by flight morphology and
ecology, but little is known of how this relates to the behavioural algorithms guiding flight …
ecology, but little is known of how this relates to the behavioural algorithms guiding flight …
Gyrfalcon Prey Abundance and Their Habitat Associations in a Changing Arctic
Arctic habitats are changing rapidly and altering trophic webs and ecosystem functioning.
Understanding how species' abundances and distributions differ among Arctic habitats is …
Understanding how species' abundances and distributions differ among Arctic habitats is …