A review of the literature on socioeconomic status and educational achievement
The foundations of socioeconomic inequities and the educational outcomes of efforts to
reduce gaps in socioeconomic status are of great interest to researchers around the world …
reduce gaps in socioeconomic status are of great interest to researchers around the world …
Inequality of opportunity in comparative perspective: Recent research on educational attainment and social mobility
Studies of how characteristics of the family of origin are associated with educational and
labor market outcomes indicate the degree of openness of societies and have a long …
labor market outcomes indicate the degree of openness of societies and have a long …
The schooled society: The educational transformation of global culture
DP Baker - The Schooled Society, 2014 - degruyter.com
Only 150 years ago, the majority of the world's population was largely illiterate. Today, not
only do most people over fifteen have basic reading and writing skills, but 20 percent of the …
only do most people over fifteen have basic reading and writing skills, but 20 percent of the …
[КНИГА][B] Higher education in Germany--recent developments in an international perspective
The German higher education system has a remarkably rich history. When Wilhelm von
Humboldt established the Berlin University in 1810 he founded the first research university …
Humboldt established the Berlin University in 1810 he founded the first research university …
[КНИГА][B] Academically adrift: Limited learning on college campuses
In spite of soaring tuition costs, more and more students go to college every year. A
bachelor's degree is now required for entry into a growing number of professions. And some …
bachelor's degree is now required for entry into a growing number of professions. And some …
[КНИГА][B] The Economics of Inequality: Harvard University Press
T Piketty - 2015 - degruyter.com
The question of in e qual ity and re distribution is central to po liti cal conflict. Caricaturing
only slightly, two positions have traditionally been opposed. The right-wing free-market …
only slightly, two positions have traditionally been opposed. The right-wing free-market …
[КНИГА][B] Education as a lifelong process
HP Blossfeld, J Von Maurice - 2019 - Springer
In modern societies, education has become a lifelong process. This has made the principles
of life-course research of utmost significance in empirical education research. As stated by …
of life-course research of utmost significance in empirical education research. As stated by …
[КНИГА][B] Incomplete revolution: Adapting welfare states to women's new roles
G Es**-Andersen - 2009 - books.google.com
Our future depends very much on how we respond to three great challenges of the new
century, all of which threaten to increase social inequality: first, how we adapt institutions to …
century, all of which threaten to increase social inequality: first, how we adapt institutions to …
[КНИГА][B] Social dominance: An intergroup theory of social hierarchy and oppression
J Sidanius, F Pratto - 2001 - books.google.com
This volume focuses on two questions: why do people from one social group oppress and
discriminate against people from other groups? and why is this oppression so mind …
discriminate against people from other groups? and why is this oppression so mind …
Explaining educational differentials: Towards a formal rational action theory
In this paper we seek to provide an explanation of three widely documented empirical
phenomena. These are:(i) increasing educational participation rates;(ii) little change in class …
phenomena. These are:(i) increasing educational participation rates;(ii) little change in class …