A comprehensive review on NSGA-II for multi-objective combinatorial optimization problems
This paper provides an extensive review of the popular multi-objective optimization
algorithm NSGA-II for selected combinatorial optimization problems viz. assignment …
algorithm NSGA-II for selected combinatorial optimization problems viz. assignment …
[HTML][HTML] Production, maintenance and resource scheduling: A review
Production scheduling that involves maintenance activities and resource constraints plays a
crucial role in manufacturing and service environments of the modern age. While research …
crucial role in manufacturing and service environments of the modern age. While research …
A learning-driven multi-objective cooperative artificial bee colony algorithm for distributed flexible job shop scheduling problems with preventive maintenance and …
In recent years, distributed production scheduling problems receive much attention from
both scholars and practicers. Nevertheless, existing research on such problems commonly …
both scholars and practicers. Nevertheless, existing research on such problems commonly …
Digital twin-enabled dynamic scheduling with preventive maintenance using a double-layer Q-learning algorithm
Q Yan, H Wang, F Wu - Computers & Operations Research, 2022 - Elsevier
Dynamic scheduling methods are essential and critical to manufacturing systems because of
uncertain events in the production process, such as new job insertions, order cancellations …
uncertain events in the production process, such as new job insertions, order cancellations …
Monarch butterfly optimization: a comprehensive review
Swarm intelligence (SI) is the collective behavior of decentralized, self-organized natural or
artificial systems. Monarch butterfly optimization (MBO) algorithm is a class of swarm …
artificial systems. Monarch butterfly optimization (MBO) algorithm is a class of swarm …
A hybrid multi-objective evolutionary algorithm for solving an adaptive flexible job-shop rescheduling problem with real-time order acceptance and condition-based …
Production scheduling and maintenance planning are two of the most important tasks in the
modern manufacturing workshop. Meanwhile, due to the dynamic order arrival and real-time …
modern manufacturing workshop. Meanwhile, due to the dynamic order arrival and real-time …
A reinforcement learning-artificial bee colony algorithm for flexible job-shop scheduling problem with lot streaming
Y Li, C Liao, L Wang, Y **ao, Y Cao, S Guo - Applied Soft Computing, 2023 - Elsevier
As a typical production model in manufacturing industry, Flexible Job-shop Scheduling
Problem (FJSP) has an important impact on enhancing the productivity of enterprises …
Problem (FJSP) has an important impact on enhancing the productivity of enterprises …
A survey of robotic harvesting systems and enabling technologies
This paper presents a comprehensive review of ground agricultural robotic systems and
applications with special focus on harvesting that span research and commercial products …
applications with special focus on harvesting that span research and commercial products …
PriMa: a prescriptive maintenance model for cyber-physical production systems
Cyber-physical production systems (CPPS), as an emerging Industry 4.0's technology,
trigger a paradigm shift from descriptive to prescriptive maintenance. In particular …
trigger a paradigm shift from descriptive to prescriptive maintenance. In particular …
Survey of integrated flexible job shop scheduling problems
The flexible job shop scheduling problems (FJSP) has been studied for many years, and
many different mathematical models and solution approaches have been developed. With …
many different mathematical models and solution approaches have been developed. With …