Tectono-sedimentary evolution of the Suriname margin in the cretaceous: A sequence-stratigraphic framework
The offshore margins of Guyana, Suriname, and French Guyana (the “Guyanas Equatorial
Margin”) have become the focus of active hydrocarbon exploration over the last decade, with …
Margin”) have become the focus of active hydrocarbon exploration over the last decade, with …
The protracted evolution of a plate boundary: Eastern Cuba block and Old Bahamas Channel
Abstract The Eastern Cuban block has experienced a complex tectonic history characterized
by plate interactions, resulting in a diverse array of geological features observable in the …
by plate interactions, resulting in a diverse array of geological features observable in the …
[HTML][HTML] Along-strike variation in volcanic addition controlling post-breakup sedimentary infill: Pelotas margin, austral South Atlantic
We investigate, using observations from seismic reflection data, the lateral variability in
breakup extrusive magmatic addition along the strike of the Pelotas segment of the austral …
breakup extrusive magmatic addition along the strike of the Pelotas segment of the austral …
Mantle deformation processes during the rift‐to‐drift transition at magma‐poor margins
The rift‐to‐drift transition at rifted margins is an area of active investigation due to an
incomplete understanding of the spatial and temporal evolution of physical and chemical …
incomplete understanding of the spatial and temporal evolution of physical and chemical …
[PDF][PDF] Inverted magma-rich versus magma-poor rifted margins: Implications for early orogenic systems
Mountain belts are often the result of former inverted rifts or rifted margins. Up to date, relics
of magma-poor rifted margins have been found in orogens allowing the investigation of how …
of magma-poor rifted margins have been found in orogens allowing the investigation of how …