Nanopore DNA sequencing technologies and their applications towards single-molecule proteomics
Sequencing of nucleic acids with nanopores has emerged as a powerful tool offering rapid
readout, high accuracy, low cost and portability. This label-free method for sequencing at the …
readout, high accuracy, low cost and portability. This label-free method for sequencing at the …
Solid-state nanopore sensors
Nanopore-based sensors have established themselves as a prominent tool for solution-
based, single-molecule analysis of the key building blocks of life, including nucleic acids …
based, single-molecule analysis of the key building blocks of life, including nucleic acids …
Peptide sequencing based on host–guest interaction-assisted nanopore sensing
Direct protein sequencing technologies with improved sensitivity and throughput are still
needed. Here, we propose an alternative method for peptide sequencing based on …
needed. Here, we propose an alternative method for peptide sequencing based on …
Multiple rereads of single proteins at single–amino acid resolution using nanopores
A proteomics tool capable of identifying single proteins would be important for cell biology
research and applications. Here, we demonstrate a nanopore-based single-molecule …
research and applications. Here, we demonstrate a nanopore-based single-molecule …
Multi-pass, single-molecule nanopore reading of long protein strands
The ability to sequence single protein molecules in their native, full-length form would
enable a more comprehensive understanding of proteomic diversity. Current technologies …
enable a more comprehensive understanding of proteomic diversity. Current technologies …
Electrical recognition of the twenty proteinogenic amino acids using an aerolysin nanopore
Efforts to sequence single protein molecules in nanopores,,,–have been hampered by the
lack of techniques with sufficient sensitivity to discern the subtle molecular differences …
lack of techniques with sufficient sensitivity to discern the subtle molecular differences …
Paving the way to single-molecule protein sequencing
Proteins are major building blocks of life. The protein content of a cell and an organism
provides key information for the understanding of biological processes and disease. Despite …
provides key information for the understanding of biological processes and disease. Despite …
Beyond mass spectrometry, the next step in proteomics
Proteins can be the root cause of a disease, and they can be used to cure it. The need to
identify these critical actors was recognized early (1951) by Sanger; the first biopolymer …
identify these critical actors was recognized early (1951) by Sanger; the first biopolymer …
Nanopore-based protein identification
The implementation of a reliable, rapid, inexpensive, and simple method for whole-proteome
identification would greatly benefit cell biology research and clinical medicine. Proteins are …
identification would greatly benefit cell biology research and clinical medicine. Proteins are …
Solid-state nanopore systems: from materials to applications
Ion transport and hydrodynamic flow through nanometer-sized channels (nanopores) have
been increasingly studied owing to not only the fundamental interest in the abundance of …
been increasingly studied owing to not only the fundamental interest in the abundance of …