Choreography automata
Abstract Automata models are well-established in many areas of computer science and are
supported by a wealth of theoretical results including a wide range of algorithms and …
supported by a wealth of theoretical results including a wide range of algorithms and …
A dynamic temporal logic for quality of service in choreographic models
We propose a framework for expressing and analyzing the Quality of Service (QoS) of
message-passing systems using a choreographic model that consists of g-choreographies …
message-passing systems using a choreographic model that consists of g-choreographies …
Dynamic adaptation of service-based applications: a design for adaptation approach
A key challenge posed by the Next Generation Internet landscape is that modern service-
based applications need to cope with open and continuously evolving environments and to …
based applications need to cope with open and continuously evolving environments and to …
[HTML][HTML] CHOReVOLUTION: Service choreography in practice
This paper presents CHOReVOLUTION, a platform for the tool-assisted realization and
execution of distributed applications. CHOReVOLUTION specifically targets service-oriented …
execution of distributed applications. CHOReVOLUTION specifically targets service-oriented …
[HTML][HTML] Coordinating REST interactions in service choreographies using blockchain
Abstract In Service Oriented Computing (SOC), different services interact and exchange
information to reach specific objectives. To model interorganizational SOC systems …
information to reach specific objectives. To model interorganizational SOC systems …
[HTML][HTML] : A tool chain for choreographic design
We present a tool chain for model-driven development of asynchronous message-passing
applications. The key features of the tool allow designers to identify misbehaviour leading to …
applications. The key features of the tool allow designers to identify misbehaviour leading to …
A type language for message passing component-based systems
Component-based development is challenging in a distributed setting, for starters
considering programming a task may involve the assembly of loosely-coupled remote …
considering programming a task may involve the assembly of loosely-coupled remote …
Restchain: a blockchain-based mediator for REST interactions in service choreographies
In inter-organizational contexts, different organizations cooperate exchanging information, to
reach specific and shared objectives. The achievement of such interactions raises the need …
reach specific and shared objectives. The achievement of such interactions raises the need …
An abstract framework for choreographic testing
We present a tool-supported approach for the model-driven testing of message-passing
applications. Our approach envisages choreographies as a particularly suited model to …
applications. Our approach envisages choreographies as a particularly suited model to …
Highly collaborative distributed systems: Synthesis and enactment at work
Service choreographies support a distributed composition approach that is based on the
specification of the external interaction of the participant services in terms of flows of …
specification of the external interaction of the participant services in terms of flows of …