Learning and the economics of small decisions
Mainstream analysis of economic behavior assumes that economic incentives can shape
behavior even when individual agents have limited understanding of the environment (see …
behavior even when individual agents have limited understanding of the environment (see …
The behavioralist as tax collector: Using natural field experiments to enhance tax compliance
This paper presents results from two large-scale natural field experiments that tested the
effect of social norm messages on tax compliance. Using administrative data from> 200,000 …
effect of social norm messages on tax compliance. Using administrative data from> 200,000 …
What do laboratory experiments measuring social preferences reveal about the real world?
A critical question facing experimental economists is whether behavior inside the laboratory
is a good indicator of behavior outside the laboratory. To address that question, we build a …
is a good indicator of behavior outside the laboratory. To address that question, we build a …
On the external validity of social preference games: a systematic lab-field study
MM Galizzi, D Navarro-Martinez - Management Science, 2019 - pubsonline.informs.org
We present a lab-field experiment designed to systematically assess the external validity of
social preferences elicited in a variety of experimental games. We do this by comparing …
social preferences elicited in a variety of experimental games. We do this by comparing …
Stake size effects in ultimatum game and dictator game offers: A meta-analysis
Are people more generous when less money is at stake? The Ultimatum Game (UG) and
Dictator Game (DG) are often used as models of bargaining and charitable giving …
Dictator Game (DG) are often used as models of bargaining and charitable giving …
Stakes matter in ultimatum games
One of the most robust findings in experimental economics is that individuals in one-shot
ultimatum games reject unfair offers. Puzzlingly, rejections have been found robust to …
ultimatum games reject unfair offers. Puzzlingly, rejections have been found robust to …
Antitrust, competition policy, and inequality
Economic inequality recently has entered the political discourse in a highly visible way.
Inequality and" middle-class economics" were the centerpieces of President Obama's 2015 …
Inequality and" middle-class economics" were the centerpieces of President Obama's 2015 …
Currency value moderates equity preference among young children
Cooperative behavior depends in part on a preference for equitable outcomes. Recent
research in behavioral economics assesses variables that influence adult concerns for …
research in behavioral economics assesses variables that influence adult concerns for …
Online labor markets
JJ Horton - International workshop on internet and network …, 2010 - Springer
In recent years, a number of online labor markets have emerged that allow workers from
around the world to sell their labor to an equally global pool of buyers. The creators of these …
around the world to sell their labor to an equally global pool of buyers. The creators of these …
Measuring trust: Experiments and surveys in contrast and combination
Trust is a concept that has attracted significant attention in economic theory and research
within the last two decades: it has been applied in a number of contexts and has been …
within the last two decades: it has been applied in a number of contexts and has been …