zk-creds: Flexible anonymous credentials from zksnarks and existing identity infrastructure
Frequently, users on the web need to show that they are, for example, not a robot, old
enough to access an age restricted video, or eligible to download an ebook from their local …
enough to access an age restricted video, or eligible to download an ebook from their local …
Bolt: Anonymous payment channels for decentralized currencies
Bitcoin owes its success to the fact that transactions are transparently recorded in the
blockchain, a global public ledger that removes the need for trusted parties. Unfortunately …
blockchain, a global public ledger that removes the need for trusted parties. Unfortunately …
Short randomizable signatures
Digital signature is a fundamental primitive with numerous applications. Following the
development of pairing-based cryptography, several taking advantage of this setting have …
development of pairing-based cryptography, several taking advantage of this setting have …
Privacy and data protection by design-from policy to engineering
Privacy and data protection constitute core values of individuals and of democratic societies.
There have been decades of debate on how those values-and legal obligations-can be …
There have been decades of debate on how those values-and legal obligations-can be …
[HTML][HTML] Selective disclosure in digital credentials: A review
Digital credentials represent digital versions of physical credentials. They are the
cornerstone of digital identity on the Internet. In order to enhance privacy, different authors …
cornerstone of digital identity on the Internet. In order to enhance privacy, different authors …
On the (in) security of ROS
We present an algorithm solving the ROS (R andom inhomogeneities in a O verdetermined
S olvable system of linear equations) problem mod p in polynomial time for ℓ> log p …
S olvable system of linear equations) problem mod p in polynomial time for ℓ> log p …
Coconut: Threshold issuance selective disclosure credentials with applications to distributed ledgers
Coconut is a novel selective disclosure credential scheme supporting distributed threshold
issuance, public and private attributes, re-randomization, and multiple unlinkable selective …
issuance, public and private attributes, re-randomization, and multiple unlinkable selective …
Blind Schnorr signatures and signed ElGamal encryption in the algebraic group model
The Schnorr blind signing protocol allows blind issuing of Schnorr signatures, one of the
most widely used signatures. Despite its practical relevance, its security analysis is …
most widely used signatures. Despite its practical relevance, its security analysis is …
Geppetto: Versatile verifiable computation
Cloud computing sparked interest in Verifiable Computation protocols, which allow a weak
client to securely outsource computations to remote parties. Recent work has dramatically …
client to securely outsource computations to remote parties. Recent work has dramatically …
With a little help from my friends: Constructing practical anonymous credentials
Anonymous credentials (ACs) are a powerful cryptographic tool for the secure use of digital
services, when simultaneously aiming for strong privacy guarantees of users combined with …
services, when simultaneously aiming for strong privacy guarantees of users combined with …