The systematics of Tachymenini (Serpentes, Dipsadidae): An updated classification based on molecular and morphological evidence
Despite the recent advances in the systematics of snakes, the diversity of several
Neotropical groups of species remains poorly understood. The lack of studies focused on …
Neotropical groups of species remains poorly understood. The lack of studies focused on …
Gecko diversity: a history of global discovery
1935 gecko species (and 224 subspecies) were known in December 2019 in seven families
and 124 genera. These nearly 2000 species were described by~ 950 individuals of whom …
and 124 genera. These nearly 2000 species were described by~ 950 individuals of whom …
[PDF][PDF] Lista dos nomes populares dos répteis no Brasil–Primeira Versão
Popular species names have always been based on human relationships with things
around them, usually reflecting species' external morphology, behavior or even the habitat …
around them, usually reflecting species' external morphology, behavior or even the habitat …
Total evidence phylogenetic analysis of Leiosauridae (Squamata) with focus on the 'para-anoles' and description of a new Urostrophus species from the Bolivian …
Only since the late 1980s have lizard specialists begun incorporating phylogenetic
information to the classification of leiosaurids. These are among the most enigmatic South …
information to the classification of leiosaurids. These are among the most enigmatic South …
Microendemism can be the rule in the Brazilian Caatinga: evidence from flat lizards of the Tropidurus semitaeniatus group (Squamata: Tropiduridae)
Microendemism remains a poorly studied phenomenon within Brazil's Caatinga biome, yet
recent research has revealed a number of species complexes with diverging lineages …
recent research has revealed a number of species complexes with diverging lineages …
[HTML][HTML] Marine and freshwater fishes of Alabama: a revised checklist and discussion of taxonomic issues
Checklists are fundamental and important tools for organizing information about biodiversity
that provide a basis for conservation and additional scientific research. While Alabama is …
that provide a basis for conservation and additional scientific research. While Alabama is …
Two new species of Hypostomus suckermouth‐armoured catfishes (Teleostei: Loricariidae) from central Brazil
This study describes two new endemic Hypostomus species from central Brazil, which were
previously identified as genetically distinct lineages in a recent genomic study that …
previously identified as genetically distinct lineages in a recent genomic study that …
Microhabitat use and selection by Pristidactylus scapulatus (Squamata Leiosauridae) in the Puna region of the Central Andes in Argentina
FM Valdez Ovallez, AV Erostarbe… - Ethology Ecology & …, 2023 - Taylor & Francis
Understanding a species use of space is important as it provides information about the
potential resources available in its habitat. The objective of this work was to evaluate the use …
potential resources available in its habitat. The objective of this work was to evaluate the use …
Genetic structure of Enyalius capetinga (Squamata, Leiosauridae) in Central Cerrado and transitional areas between the Cerrado and the Atlantic forest, with updated …
Abstract The Brazilian Cerrado is considered a biodiversity hotspot highly threatened by
human activities. Recently, many studies have demonstrated how underestimated is …
human activities. Recently, many studies have demonstrated how underestimated is …
[PDF][PDF] Clarifying the type locality of Liotyphlops wilderi (Garman, 1883)(Serpentes, Anomalepididae), with comments on other reptiles from São Cyriaco, Minas Gerais
The snake species Typhlops wilderi (today Liotyphlops wilderi) was described in 1883
based on specimens from São Cyriaco, in Minas Gerais, Brazil. The name of this type …
based on specimens from São Cyriaco, in Minas Gerais, Brazil. The name of this type …