Upgrading the fixed-time artificial insemination (FTAI) protocol in Romanian buffaloes
The present study describes the challenges of assisted reproduction in Romanian buffaloes
while increasing the efficacy of artificial insemination by choosing the most suitable method …
while increasing the efficacy of artificial insemination by choosing the most suitable method …
Administration of melatonin prior to modified synchronization protocol improves the productive and reproductive efficiency of Chinese crossbred buffaloes in low …
Introduction Melatonin is a neurohormone involving various biological processes, including
restoration of cyclicity in animals with seasonal breeding patterns. The use of melatonin in …
restoration of cyclicity in animals with seasonal breeding patterns. The use of melatonin in …
Transient suppression of Wnt signaling in poor-quality buffalo oocytes improves their developmental competence
Introduction One of the most evolutionary conserved communication systems, the Wnt
signaling pathway is a major gene regulatory pathway that affects the developmental …
signaling pathway is a major gene regulatory pathway that affects the developmental …
Efecto en la eficiente reproductiva mediante el uso de dos protocolos (eCG y Ovsynch) para IATF en ganado bovino tropical
H Sánchez-Cárdenas… - Revista de Veterinaria y …, 2023 - revistas.unsm.edu.pe
La situación económica mundial requiere de prácticas de manejo eficaces para mejorar la
rentabilidad de los establecimientos de producción de leche, especialmente, en ganadería …
rentabilidad de los establecimientos de producción de leche, especialmente, en ganadería …
New insights into semen separation techniques in buffaloes
CR Andrei, FP Posastiuc, NT Constantin… - Frontiers in Veterinary …, 2024 - frontiersin.org
Male infertility is frequently caused by idiopathic or unexplained reasons, resulting in an
increase in demand for assisted reproductive technologies. In buffaloes, more than in other …
increase in demand for assisted reproductive technologies. In buffaloes, more than in other …
Estrategia sostenible para mejorar la eficiencia de los servicios de inseminación artificial en ganado bovino en el trópico
R Pedroso Sosa, F Roller Gutiérrez… - … Veterinarias del Perú, 2024 - scielo.org.pe
El trabajo tuvo como objetivo evaluar la eficiencia de los servicios de inseminación artificial
(IA) en vacas Holstein x Brahman bajo programa de inducción del celo, Se realizaron tres …
(IA) en vacas Holstein x Brahman bajo programa de inducción del celo, Se realizaron tres …
Productive and reproductive performances of buffaloes in Bhola district of Bangladesh
This study aimed to evaluate the productive and reproductive performance of buffaloes
across five sub-districts (Burhanuddin, Lalmohan, Char Fasson, Bhola Sadar, and …
across five sub-districts (Burhanuddin, Lalmohan, Char Fasson, Bhola Sadar, and …
[PDF][PDF] Adili Abulaiti, Mudussar Nawaz 3, Zahid Naseer 3, Zulfiqar Ahmed 4, Wenju Liu 5, Mohamed Abdelrahman 6, Aftab Shaukat 6, Ahmed Sabek 7, Xunsheng …
S Wang - 2023 - researchgate.net
Objectives: The objective of the current study was to evaluate the melatonin effect on the
reproductive and productive performance of crossbred buffaloes during the low breeding …
reproductive and productive performance of crossbred buffaloes during the low breeding …
[PDF][PDF] International Journal of Veterinary Science
This study compared the effectiveness of once used versus new Controlled Internal Drug
Release (CIDR) device in CIDR co-synch protocol for resuming reproductive function in …
Release (CIDR) device in CIDR co-synch protocol for resuming reproductive function in …
Protocolos de sincronización de celo en búfalos (bubalus bubalis): revisión sistemática de literatura.
DM Pinto Jáuregui - 2023 - repository.ucc.edu.co
The buffalo species is important to the economies of different countries. It is considered a
species of late sexual maturity. In addition, it presents long periods of postpartum anestrus …
species of late sexual maturity. In addition, it presents long periods of postpartum anestrus …