Process models in design and development
Many models of the design and development process have been published over the years,
representing it for different purposes and from different points of view. This article contributes …
representing it for different purposes and from different points of view. This article contributes …
Product development decisions: A review of the literature
This paper is a review of research in product development, which we define as the
transformation of a market opportunity into a product available for sale. Our review is broad …
transformation of a market opportunity into a product available for sale. Our review is broad …
Technology novelty, project complexity, and product development project execution success: a deeper look at task uncertainty in product innovation
MV Tatikonda, SR Rosenthal - IEEE Transactions on …, 2000 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
This paper applies the construct of task uncertainty to study relationships between product
development project characteristics and project outcomes. The authors characterize product …
development project characteristics and project outcomes. The authors characterize product …
Pluralism in project management: navigating the crossroads of specialization and fragmentation
J Söderlund - International journal of management reviews, 2011 - Wiley Online Library
Project management is a rapidly expanding subfield of management and organization
studies. This paper seeks to make sense of this development and the current state of project …
studies. This paper seeks to make sense of this development and the current state of project …
Toward a theory of behavioral operations
F Gino, G Pisano - Manufacturing & Service Operations …, 2008 - pubsonline.informs.org
Human beings are critical to the functioning of the vast majority of operating systems,
influencing both the way these systems work and how they perform. Yet most formal …
influencing both the way these systems work and how they perform. Yet most formal …
Integrating operations and marketing perspectives of product innovation: The influence of organizational process factors and capabilities on development performance
This paper adopts a multidisciplinary view of innovation by integrating operations and
marketing perspectives of product development. The conceptual framework builds on the …
marketing perspectives of product development. The conceptual framework builds on the …
On patient flow in hospitals: A data-based queueing-science perspective
Hospitals are complex systems with essential societal benefits and huge mounting costs.
These costs are exacerbated by inefficiencies in hospital processes, which are often …
These costs are exacerbated by inefficiencies in hospital processes, which are often …
Design for variety: develo** standardized and modularized product platform architectures
MV Martin, K Ishii - Research in engineering design, 2002 - Springer
Develo** a robust, product platform architecture brings an important competitive
advantage to a company. The major benefits are reduced design effort and time-to-market …
advantage to a company. The major benefits are reduced design effort and time-to-market …
Successful execution of product development projects: Balancing firmness and flexibility in the innovation process
MV Tatikonda, SR Rosenthal - Journal of operations management, 2000 - Elsevier
This paper investigates project management methods used during the execution phase of
new product development projects. Based on prior field observations, organizational theory …
new product development projects. Based on prior field observations, organizational theory …
Role of single-project management in achieving portfolio management efficiency
M Martinsuo, P Lehtonen - International journal of project management, 2007 - Elsevier
This paper examines how single-project management contributes to project portfolio
management efficiency. Earlier research has suggested that single-project management …
management efficiency. Earlier research has suggested that single-project management …