Ovarian aromatase and estrogens: a pivotal role for gonadal sex differentiation and sex change in fish
The present review focuses on the roles of estrogens and aromatase (Cyp19a1a), the
enzyme needed for their synthesis, in fish gonadal sex differentiation. Based on the recent …
enzyme needed for their synthesis, in fish gonadal sex differentiation. Based on the recent …
Environmental effects on fish sex determination and differentiation
Environmental factors affect the sex ratio of many gonochoristic fish species. They can either
determine sex or influence sex differentiation. Temperature is the most common …
determine sex or influence sex differentiation. Temperature is the most common …
Epigenetic responses to environmental change and their evolutionary implications
BM Turner - … Transactions of the Royal Society B …, 2009 - royalsocietypublishing.org
Chromatin is a complex of DNA, RNA, histones and non-histone proteins and provides the
platform on which the transcriptional machinery operates in eukaryotes. The structure and …
platform on which the transcriptional machinery operates in eukaryotes. The structure and …
The role of Amh signaling in teleost fish–multiple functions not restricted to the gonads
F Pfennig, A Standke, HO Gutzeit - General and Comparative …, 2015 - Elsevier
This review summarizes the important role of Anti-Müllerian hormone (Amh) during gonad
development in fishes. This Tgfβ-domain bearing hormone was named after one of its …
development in fishes. This Tgfβ-domain bearing hormone was named after one of its …
Heat-induced masculinization in domesticated zebrafish is family-specific and yields a set of different gonadal transcriptomes
Understanding environmental influences on sex ratios is important for the study of the
evolution of sex-determining mechanisms and for evaluating the effects of global warming …
evolution of sex-determining mechanisms and for evaluating the effects of global warming …
Stress and sex: does cortisol mediate sex change in fish?
Cortisol is the main glucocorticoid (GC) in fish and the hormone most directly associated
with stress. Recent research suggests that this hormone may act as a key factor linking …
with stress. Recent research suggests that this hormone may act as a key factor linking …
Cortisol-induced masculinization: does thermal stress affect gonadal fate in pejerrey, a teleost fish with temperature-dependent sex determination?
Background Gonadal fate in many reptiles, fish, and amphibians is modulated by the
temperature experienced during a critical period early in life (temperature-dependent sex …
temperature experienced during a critical period early in life (temperature-dependent sex …
The cortisol and androgen pathways cross talk in high temperature-induced masculinization: the 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase as a key enzyme
In many ectotherm species the gonadal fate is modulated by temperature early in life
[temperature-dependent sex determination (TSD)] but the transducer mechanism between …
[temperature-dependent sex determination (TSD)] but the transducer mechanism between …
Molecular players involved in temperature-dependent sex determination and sex differentiation in Teleost fish
ZG Shen, HP Wang - Genetics Selection Evolution, 2014 - Springer
The molecular mechanisms that underlie sex determination and differentiation are
conserved and diversified. In fish species, temperature-dependent sex determination and …
conserved and diversified. In fish species, temperature-dependent sex determination and …
Coexistence of Genotypic and Temperature-Dependent Sex Determination in Pejerrey Odontesthes bonariensis
In this study, we examined whether a homolog of the master sex-determining gene amhy of
Odontesthes hatcheri is present and plays any role in testis determination of pejerrey O …
Odontesthes hatcheri is present and plays any role in testis determination of pejerrey O …