Lectures on quantum supreme matter
J Zaanen - Advances in Physics, 2023 - Taylor & Francis
These notes are based on lectures serving the advanced graduate education of the Delta
Institute of Theoretical Physics in the Netherlands in autumn 2021. The goal is to explain in a …
Institute of Theoretical Physics in the Netherlands in autumn 2021. The goal is to explain in a …
Superconductivity and the pseudogap in the two-dimensional Hubbard model
Recently developed numerical methods have enabled the explicit construction of the
superconducting state of the Hubbard model of strongly correlated electrons in parameter …
superconducting state of the Hubbard model of strongly correlated electrons in parameter …
Mott physics and spin fluctuations: A unified framework
We present a formalism for strongly correlated electron systems which consists in a local
approximation of the dynamical three-leg interaction vertex. This vertex is self-consistently …
approximation of the dynamical three-leg interaction vertex. This vertex is self-consistently …
Interplay between superconductivity and non-Fermi liquid at a quantum critical point in a metal. I. The model and its phase diagram at : The case
Near a quantum critical point in a metal, a strong fermion-fermion interaction, mediated by a
soft boson, acts in two different directions: it destroys fermionic coherence and it gives rise to …
soft boson, acts in two different directions: it destroys fermionic coherence and it gives rise to …
Mott physics and spin fluctuations: A functional viewpoint
We present a formalism for strongly correlated systems with fermions coupled to bosonic
modes. We construct the three-particle irreducible functional K by successive Legendre …
modes. We construct the three-particle irreducible functional K by successive Legendre …
Emergent BCS regime of the two-dimensional fermionic Hubbard model: Ground-state phase diagram
For over half a century, the Hubbard model has played a paradigmatic role in attempts to
understand quantum phenomena exhibited by correlated electrons in solids. Despite a …
understand quantum phenomena exhibited by correlated electrons in solids. Despite a …
A time-dependent formulation of coupled-cluster theory for many-fermion systems at finite temperature
We present a time-dependent formulation of coupled cluster theory. This theory allows for
direct computation of the free energy of quantum systems at finite temperature by imaginary …
direct computation of the free energy of quantum systems at finite temperature by imaginary …
Energetics of superconductivity in the two-dimensional Hubbard model
The energetics of the interplay between superconductivity and the pseudogap in high-
temperature superconductivity is examined using the eight-site dynamical cluster …
temperature superconductivity is examined using the eight-site dynamical cluster …
iQIST: An open source continuous-time quantum Monte Carlo impurity solver toolkit
Quantum impurity solvers have a broad range of applications in theoretical studies of
strongly correlated electron systems. Especially, they play a key role in dynamical mean …
strongly correlated electron systems. Especially, they play a key role in dynamical mean …
Hidden Mott transition and large- superconductivity in the two-dimensional Hubbard model
We consider the one-band Hubbard model on the square lattice by using variational and
Green's function Monte Carlo methods, where the variational states contain Jastrow and …
Green's function Monte Carlo methods, where the variational states contain Jastrow and …