An empirical investigation of dynamic capabilities in managing strategic flexibility in manufacturing organizations
Purpose–The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the relative impact of dynamic capabilities
on various dimensions of strategic flexibility in Indian manufacturing industry …
on various dimensions of strategic flexibility in Indian manufacturing industry …
[PDF][PDF] Will stock investors use mobile stock trading? A benefit-risk assessment based on a modified UTAUT model
YM Tai, YC Ku - Journal of electronic commerce research, 2013 - Citeseer
The purpose of this study is to investigate the determinants of stock investors' intention
towards using mobile stock trading. Based on a modified UTAUT (unified theory of …
towards using mobile stock trading. Based on a modified UTAUT (unified theory of …
[PDF][PDF] Extended model of mobile shop** acceptance: An empirical study of consumer behaviour
R Stefko - 2023 - dspace.zcu.cz
Although the popularity of mobile commerce is on the rise, mobile shop** is still not widely
accepted in Slovakia. Therefore, research and knowledge in this area is insufficient. Based …
accepted in Slovakia. Therefore, research and knowledge in this area is insufficient. Based …
[КНИГА][B] Investigating the factors affecting business-to-consumer e-commerce adoption in Egypt
I Al Sahouly - 2015 - search.proquest.com
Through the application of the extended Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of
Technology (UTAUT2) model, this study investigates the key factors affecting the adoption of …
Technology (UTAUT2) model, this study investigates the key factors affecting the adoption of …
[PDF][PDF] Neuromarketing e as novas modalidades de comércio eletrônico (m-st-f-commerce) frente ao Código de Defesa do Consumidor
COA Freitas, OHS BATISTA - Derecho y Cambio social, 2015 - derechoycambiosocial.com
1. Introdução. 2. As Novas Modalidades de Comércio Eletrônico. 3. Neuromarketing:
Conceito e Influências. 3.1. Conceituação e Premissas. 3.2. O Consumidor e as suas …
Conceito e Influências. 3.1. Conceituação e Premissas. 3.2. O Consumidor e as suas …
Factors affecting the performance of mobile office outsourcing: An approach using the FORT model and the MoBiS-Q
Purpose–A mobile office can be defined as software and hardware that support business
work and that are accessible via smartphones. Organizations are adopting or trying to adopt …
work and that are accessible via smartphones. Organizations are adopting or trying to adopt …
[PDF][PDF] Using mobile communication as a tool for national growth and development
AD Adesina, O Akerele, RL Hanat - International Journal of …, 2015 - academia.edu
Mobile communication emergence has brought a whole palette of new possibilities in
information sharing not only for individual development but also for national growth. New …
information sharing not only for individual development but also for national growth. New …
Quality Strategies for Customer Loyalty in an E-Service Environment: A Case of M-Banking Customers
S Vasudeva - Strategies and Tools for Managing Connected …, 2020 - igi-global.com
This chapter focuses on the issue of quality strategies for attaining customer loyalty in an e-
service environment. It takes into consideration the key relationship between e-service …
service environment. It takes into consideration the key relationship between e-service …
[PDF][PDF] Improving Cathodic Protection System using SMS-based Notification
MH Hasan, NHA Hamid - International Journal of Computer Science …, 2011 - academia.edu
Mobile service has produced significant impact in various industries. It has also gained
growing demands for not only in telecommunication sector, but also numerous other sectors …
growing demands for not only in telecommunication sector, but also numerous other sectors …
A trading model and security regime for mobile e-commerce via ad hoc wireless networking
H Osman - 2016 - ros.hw.ac.uk
Ad hoc wireless networking offers mobile computer users the prospect of trading with others
in their vicinity anywhere anytime. This thesis explores the potential for develo** such …
in their vicinity anywhere anytime. This thesis explores the potential for develo** such …