An empirical investigation of dynamic capabilities in managing strategic flexibility in manufacturing organizations

D Singh, J Singh Oberoi, I Singh Ahuja - Management Decision, 2013 -
Purpose–The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the relative impact of dynamic capabilities
on various dimensions of strategic flexibility in Indian manufacturing industry …

[PDF][PDF] Will stock investors use mobile stock trading? A benefit-risk assessment based on a modified UTAUT model

YM Tai, YC Ku - Journal of electronic commerce research, 2013 - Citeseer
The purpose of this study is to investigate the determinants of stock investors' intention
towards using mobile stock trading. Based on a modified UTAUT (unified theory of …

[PDF][PDF] Extended model of mobile shop** acceptance: An empirical study of consumer behaviour

R Stefko - 2023 -
Although the popularity of mobile commerce is on the rise, mobile shop** is still not widely
accepted in Slovakia. Therefore, research and knowledge in this area is insufficient. Based …

[КНИГА][B] Investigating the factors affecting business-to-consumer e-commerce adoption in Egypt

I Al Sahouly - 2015 -
Through the application of the extended Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of
Technology (UTAUT2) model, this study investigates the key factors affecting the adoption of …

[PDF][PDF] Neuromarketing e as novas modalidades de comércio eletrônico (m-st-f-commerce) frente ao Código de Defesa do Consumidor

COA Freitas, OHS BATISTA - Derecho y Cambio social, 2015 -
1. Introdução. 2. As Novas Modalidades de Comércio Eletrônico. 3. Neuromarketing:
Conceito e Influências. 3.1. Conceituação e Premissas. 3.2. O Consumidor e as suas …

Factors affecting the performance of mobile office outsourcing: An approach using the FORT model and the MoBiS-Q

J Lee, MC Park, J Moon - Management Decision, 2013 -
Purpose–A mobile office can be defined as software and hardware that support business
work and that are accessible via smartphones. Organizations are adopting or trying to adopt …

[PDF][PDF] Using mobile communication as a tool for national growth and development

AD Adesina, O Akerele, RL Hanat - International Journal of …, 2015 -
Mobile communication emergence has brought a whole palette of new possibilities in
information sharing not only for individual development but also for national growth. New …

Quality Strategies for Customer Loyalty in an E-Service Environment: A Case of M-Banking Customers

S Vasudeva - Strategies and Tools for Managing Connected …, 2020 -
This chapter focuses on the issue of quality strategies for attaining customer loyalty in an e-
service environment. It takes into consideration the key relationship between e-service …

[PDF][PDF] Improving Cathodic Protection System using SMS-based Notification

MH Hasan, NHA Hamid - International Journal of Computer Science …, 2011 -
Mobile service has produced significant impact in various industries. It has also gained
growing demands for not only in telecommunication sector, but also numerous other sectors …

A trading model and security regime for mobile e-commerce via ad hoc wireless networking

H Osman - 2016 -
Ad hoc wireless networking offers mobile computer users the prospect of trading with others
in their vicinity anywhere anytime. This thesis explores the potential for develo** such …