Gamma-ray binaries and related systems
G Dubus - The Astronomy and Astrophysics Review, 2013 - Springer
After initial claims and a long hiatus, it is now established that several binary stars emit high-
(0.1–100 GeV) and very high-energy (> 100 GeV) gamma rays. A new class has emerged …
(0.1–100 GeV) and very high-energy (> 100 GeV) gamma rays. A new class has emerged …
Particle acceleration in astrophysical jets
In this chapter, we review some features of particle acceleration in astrophysical jets. We
begin by describing four observational results relating to the topic, with particular emphasis …
begin by describing four observational results relating to the topic, with particular emphasis …
[ספר][B] An introduction to radio astronomy
BF Burke, F Graham-Smith, PN Wilkinson - 2019 -
Radio astronomy is an active and rapidly expanding field due to advances in computing
techniques, with several important new instruments on the horizon. This text provides a …
techniques, with several important new instruments on the horizon. This text provides a …
Catalogue of high-mass X-ray binaries in the Galaxy
QZ Liu, J Van Paradijs… - Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2006 -
We present a new edition of the catalogue of high-mass X-ray binaries in the Galaxy. The
catalogue contains source name (s), coordinates, finding chart, X-ray luminosity, system …
catalogue contains source name (s), coordinates, finding chart, X-ray luminosity, system …
Modulated high-energy gamma-ray emission from the microquasar Cygnus X-3
Microquasars are accreting black holes or neutron stars in binary systems with associated
relativistic jets. Despite their frequent outburst activity, they have never been unambiguously …
relativistic jets. Despite their frequent outburst activity, they have never been unambiguously …
On the distances to the X-ray binaries Cygnus X-3 and GRS 1915+ 105
In this paper we significantly improve estimates of distance to the X-ray binary systems Cyg
X-3 and GRS 1915+ 105. We report a highly accurate trigonometric parallax measurement …
X-3 and GRS 1915+ 105. We report a highly accurate trigonometric parallax measurement …
The Caltech-NRAO Stripe 82 Survey (CNSS) paper. I. The pilot radio transient survey in 50 deg2
We have commenced a multiyear program, the Caltech-NRAO Stripe 82 Survey (CNSS), to
search for radio transients with the Jansky VLA in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Stripe 82 …
search for radio transients with the Jansky VLA in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Stripe 82 …
Key science goals for the next-generation Event Horizon Telescope
The Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) has led to the first images of a supermassive black
hole, revealing the central compact objects in the elliptical galaxy M87 and the Milky Way …
hole, revealing the central compact objects in the elliptical galaxy M87 and the Milky Way …
Cygnus X-3 revealed as a Galactic ultraluminous X-ray source by IXPE
The accretion of matter by compact objects can be inhibited by radiation pressure if the
luminosity exceeds a critical value known as the Eddington limit. The discovery of …
luminosity exceeds a critical value known as the Eddington limit. The discovery of …
Rapid compact jet quenching in the Galactic black hole candidate X-ray binary MAXI J1535− 571
We present results from six epochs of quasi-simultaneous radio,(sub-) millimetre, infrared,
optical, and X-ray observations of the black hole X-ray binary MAXI J1535− 571. These …
optical, and X-ray observations of the black hole X-ray binary MAXI J1535− 571. These …