Psychological and clinical correlates of the Centrality of Event Scale: A systematic review

TB Gehrt, D Berntsen, RH Hoyle, DC Rubin - Clinical psychology review, 2018 - Elsevier
Abstract The Centrality of Event Scale (CES) was introduced to examine the extent to which
a traumatic or stressful event is perceived as central to an individual's identity and life story …

[KNJIGA][B] The neuroscience of psychotherapy: Healing the social brain (Norton Series on Interpersonal Neurobiology)

L Cozolino - 2017 -
An update to the classic text that links neuroscience and human behavior in the context of
therapy. This groundbreaking book explores the recent revolution in psychotherapy that has …

The origins of fears of compassion: Shame and lack of safeness memories, fears of compassion and psychopathology

M Matos, J Duarte, J Pinto-Gouveia - The Journal of psychology, 2017 - Taylor & Francis
Empirical and clinical research suggests that some individuals find self-generating
compassion and receiving compassion from others difficult and aversive. However, it is …

[PDF][PDF] Shame memories and psychopathology in adolescence: The mediator effect of shame

M Cunha, M Matos, D Faria, S Zagalo - International Journal of …, 2012 -
Research on shame and shame memories and their impact on psychopathology is scarce in
adolescence. This study explored the relationships among these variables in this …

Therapist perspectives on working with fears, blocks and resistances to compassion in compassion focused therapy

S Steindl, T Bell, A Dixon… - Counselling and …, 2023 - Wiley Online Library
Objective A core aspect of compassion focused therapy (CFT) is addressing fears, blocks,
and resistances (FBRs) to compassion. How CFT therapists do this with clients remains …

The parent–child relationship and child shame and guilt: A meta‐analytic systematic review

RL van Eickels, M Siegel, AJ Juhasz… - Child …, 2025 - Wiley Online Library
Empirical findings on the associations of positive and dysfunctional parent–child relationship
(PPCR/DPCR) characteristics with child shame, adaptive guilt, and maladaptive guilt were …

Psychological flexibility and self-compassion in gay and heterosexual men: How they relate to childhood memories, shame, and depressive symptoms

M Matos, SA Carvalho, M Cunha… - Journal of LGBT …, 2017 - Taylor & Francis
This study explores differences between men who are gay (n= 53) and men who are
heterosexual (n= 52) regarding memories of shame events and of warmth and safeness …

Internalizing early memories of shame and lack of safeness and warmth: The mediating role of shame on depression

M Matos, J Pinto-Gouveia, C Duarte - Behavioural and cognitive …, 2013 -
Background: Growing evidence supports the association between early memories of shame
and lack of safeness and current shame and depression. Nevertheless, it is unclear whether …

Early shaming experiences and psychological distress: The role of experiential avoidance and self‐compassion

J Farr, M Ononaiye, C Irons - Psychology and Psychotherapy …, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
Objectives Early shaming experiences have been suggested to be associated with later
psychopathological symptoms. Understanding this relationship is complex, due to a number …

Self-compassion in psychotherapy: Clinical integration, evidence base, and mechanisms of change

C Germer - Handbook of self-compassion, 2023 - Springer
As demonstrated by the chapters in this Handbook, self-compassion is associated with
myriad benefits for mental health and psychological well-being. The beneficial impact of self …