A passive control of Casson hybrid nanofluid flow over a curved surface with alumina and copper nanomaterials: A study on sodium alginate-based fluid

A Dawar, S Islam, Z Shah, SR Mahmuod - Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2023 - Elsevier
Scientists are paying close attention to Casson fluids due to their remarkable industrial and
technical applications. Among the non-Newtonian substances, Casson fluid is one of the …

Chemically reactive MHD convective flow and heat transfer performance of ternary hybrid nanofluid past a curved stretching sheet

M Mumtaz, S Islam, H Ullah, Z Shah - Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2023 - Elsevier
One of the topmost challenges of today's industry age is to find an efficient heat transfer fluid
because heat transfer rate in common fluids is unable to provide an efficient heating and …

Oldroyd-B nanoliquid flow through a triple stratified medium submerged with gyrotactic bioconvection and nonlinear radiations

K Gangadhar, MA Kumari… - Arabian Journal for …, 2022 - Springer
In this study, a theoretical analysis is performed to address the features of heat and mass
transfer phenomena of two-dimensional viscous fluid flow of Oldroyd-B nanofluid over a …

Thermal transport of radiative Williamson fluid over stretchable curved surface

R Raza, F Mabood, R Naz, SI Abdelsalam - Thermal Science and …, 2021 - Elsevier
The study of incompressible steady Williamson fluid flow is conducted in a curvilinear
coordinate system. The flow is bounded below through curves stretchable sheet. Linear …

Modeling and simulation of Maxwell nanofluid flows in the presence of Lorentz and Darcy–Forchheimer forces: toward a new approach on Buongiorno's model using …

Z Khan, S Zuhra, S Islam, MAZ Raja, A Ali - The European Physical …, 2023 - Springer
The current work explores the intelligent computational strength of neural networks based
on the Levenberg–Marquardt backpropagation (LMBP-NNs) neural networks technique for …

Significance of suction and dual stretching on the dynamics of various hybrid nanofluids: Comparative analysis between type I and type II models

NA Shah, IL Animasaun, A Wakif, OK Koriko… - Physica …, 2020 - iopscience.iop.org
The transport phenomenon involving a thorough mixture of a base fluid and any two different
types of nanoparticles (ie hybrid nanofluid) has attracted the attention of scientists to …

Numerical differential quadrature examination of steady mixed convection nanofluid flows over an isothermal thin needle conveying metallic and metallic oxide …

MK Nayak, A Wakif, IL Animasaun… - Arabian Journal for …, 2020 - Springer
The significance of the local skin friction as well as the heat transfer rate on the motion of
water\left (H _ 2 O\right) H 2 O and ethylene glycol\left (C _ 2 H _ 6 O _ 2\right) C 2 H 6 O 2 …

Significance of Darcy-Forchheimer and Lorentz forces on radiative alumina-water nanofluid flows over a slippery curved geometry under multiple convective …

EA Algehyne, A Wakif, G Rasool, A Saeed… - Waves in Random and …, 2022 - Taylor & Francis
Critical point of view on the dynamics of water conveying chemically reactive alumina
nanoparticles around a slippery curved geometry (eg hemisphere) due to the linear …

Spectral quasi linearization simulation of radiative nanofluidic transport over a bended surface considering the effects of multiple convective conditions

N Acharya - European Journal of Mechanics-B/Fluids, 2020 - Elsevier
This article enlightens on the hydrothermal performance of radiative nanofluid flow over a
curved stretched surface. The curved surface is coiled inside a circular segment of radius R …

[HTML][HTML] Significances of blowing and suction processes on the occurrence of thermo-magneto-convection phenomenon in a narrow nanofluidic medium: A revised …

M Zaydan, A Wakif, IL Animasaun, U Khan… - Case Studies in Thermal …, 2020 - Elsevier
In this numerical examination, the thermal stability of an electrically conducting nanofluid is
deliberated comprehensively by considering the presence of an externally applied magnetic …