Method and apparatus for prioritized information delivery with network coding over time-varying network topologies

UC Kozat, C Pépin, H Papadopoulos… - US Patent …, 2014‏ - Google Patents
(57) ABSTRACT A method and apparatus is disclosed herein for information delivery with
network coding over time-varying network topologies. In one embodiment, the method …

Method for varying transmit power patterns in a multi-cell environment

G Caire, H Papadopoulos, SA Ramprashad… - US Patent …, 2014‏ - Google Patents
US8705484B2 - Method for varying transmit power patterns in a multi-cell environment -
Google Patents US8705484B2 - Method for varying transmit power patterns in a multi-cell …

Inter-cell approach to operating wireless beam-forming and user selection/scheduling in multi-cell environments based on limited signaling between patterns of …

SA Ramprashad, X Tang, HC Papadopoulos - US Patent 8,542,640, 2013‏ - Google Patents
Methods, architectures and techniques of operating a joint beam-forming and user-selection
system across multiple cells for downlink communication in a multi-cell environ ment. The …

Adaptive forward-backward soft output M-algorithm receiver structures

H Papadopoulos, CEW Sundberg - US Patent 8,279,954, 2012‏ - Google Patents
2005/O152391 A1 7, 2005 Effros et al. 2005.0185707 A1 8, 2005 Hoo et al. Search dated
Jan. 31, 2009 for PCT/US07/13074, filed Jun. 1, 2007. 2005/0265280 A1 12/2005 Roh et al …

Channel classification and rate adaptation for SU-MIMO systems

G Caire, CEW Sundberg, H Papadopoulos… - US Patent …, 2013‏ - Google Patents
Zafman LLP (57) ABSTRACT A method, apparatus and system are disclosed herein for
channel classification and adaptation. In one embodiment, the system comprises a base …

Soft output M-algorithm receiver structures with generalized survivor selection criteria for MIMO systems

H Papadopoulos, CEW Sundberg - US Patent 8,565,329, 2013‏ - Google Patents
(57) ABSTRACT A method and apparatus is disclosed herein for a modified soft output M-
algorithm. In one embodiment, the soft output M-algorithm is employed by a receiver in a …

Tree position adaptive soft output M-algorithm receiver structures

O Bursalioglu, H Papadopoulos… - US Patent …, 2012‏ - Google Patents
(US); Haralabos Papadopoulos, San Jose, CA (US); Carl-Erik W. Sundberg,(Continued)
Sunnyvale, CA (US) FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS (73) Assignee: NTT DoCoMo, Inc …

Method and apparatus for distributed space-time coding in wireless radio networks

H Papadopoulos - US Patent 8,194,760, 2012‏ - Google Patents
2/2006 Grant et al. 5, 2006 Shen et al. 7/2006 Lun et al. 7/2006 Deb et al. 2006, O148506
A1 7, 2006 Hoo 2006, O152391 A1 7/2006 Sakuyama 2006/0176945 A1 8, 2006 Li …

Receiver terminal driven joint encoder and decoder mode adaptation for SU-MIMO systems

SA Ramprashad, HC Papadopoulos, G Caire… - US Patent …, 2015‏ - Google Patents
(57) ABSTRACT A system, a method and an apparatus are disclosed hereinfor receiver
terminal driven joint encoder and decoder mode adaptation for SU-MIMO transmission. In …

Method and apparatus for asynchronous space-time coded transmission from multiple base stations over wireless radio networks

H Papadopoulos - US Patent 8,027,407, 2011‏ - Google Patents
X (1), X (2),..., X (k) scalar information-bearing symbols (inputs to baseline OSTBC) B: Output
matrix of baseline Code of dimension" f" times" n" b,; output vector of baseline Code (of …