Creative reconstruction: A structured literature review of the early empirical research on the COVID-19 crisis and entrepreneurship
The COVID-19 crisis triggered by the novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) and the infection
control measures taken have extended beyond affecting health issues to impact economic …
control measures taken have extended beyond affecting health issues to impact economic …
[HTML][HTML] La adaptación de las empresas a la realidad COVID: una revisión sistemática
MÁ García-Madurga… - RETOS. Revista de …, 2021 - scielo.senescyt.gob.ec
La súbita irrupción de la pandemia COVID-19 ha propiciado profundos cambios sociales y
económicos. Las empresas se han visto obligadas a pivotar sus modelos de negocio para …
económicos. Las empresas se han visto obligadas a pivotar sus modelos de negocio para …
[HTML][HTML] Managing restaurants during the COVID-19 crisis: Innovating to survive and prosper
This research examines the experiences of small-and medium-sized enterprise (SME)
owners in the food service sector during the COVID-19 crisis. We collected authentic opinion …
owners in the food service sector during the COVID-19 crisis. We collected authentic opinion …
[HTML][HTML] Which crisis strategies are (expectedly) effective among SMEs during COVID-19?
We investigate COVID-19 as a disabling and an enabling mechanism for small and mid-size
enterprises (SMEs), particularly how SMEs' crisis strategies might help them through the …
enterprises (SMEs), particularly how SMEs' crisis strategies might help them through the …
Start-ups' business model changes during the COVID-19 pandemic: Counteracting adversities and pursuing opportunities
P Guckenbiehl… - … small business journal, 2022 - journals.sagepub.com
This article investigates how start-ups have been affected by, and have responded to, the
COVID-19 pandemic by analysing interview data from 32 Australian start-ups during …
COVID-19 pandemic by analysing interview data from 32 Australian start-ups during …
Navigating through entrepreneurial skills, competencies and capabilities: A systematic literature review and the development of the entrepreneurial ability model
Purpose This study aims to define, classify and interconnect the wide range of known
entrepreneurial abilities with terms such as skills, capabilities and competencies, which …
entrepreneurial abilities with terms such as skills, capabilities and competencies, which …
Avoiding crisis-driven business failure through digital dynamic capabilities. B2B distribution firms during the COVID-19 and beyond
Previous research has proposed different determinants of the success and failure of
technological innovation in industrial networks. However, following the recent COVID-19 …
technological innovation in industrial networks. However, following the recent COVID-19 …
[HTML][HTML] Crises and entrepreneurial opportunities: Digital social innovation in response to physical distancing
As physical distancing is a core measure of containing the spread of COVID-19, this
pandemic is a crisis that has uprooted social interaction. While current research mainly …
pandemic is a crisis that has uprooted social interaction. While current research mainly …
Pivots as strategic responses to crises: Evidence from Italian companies navigating Covid-19
The Covid-19 outbreak in 2019 and beyond severely threatened global supply chains and
markets. Firms worldwide saw their operations limited by governmental restrictions …
markets. Firms worldwide saw their operations limited by governmental restrictions …
Self-efficacy in disrupted environments: COVID-19 as a natural experiment
In two studies, we investigate whether the link between entrepreneurial self-efficacy and
entrepreneurial intentions depends on outcome expectations. In Study 1, we exploit the …
entrepreneurial intentions depends on outcome expectations. In Study 1, we exploit the …