Religious priming: A meta-analysis with a focus on prosociality
Priming has emerged as a valuable tool within the psychological study of religion, allowing
for tests of religion's causal effect on a number of psychological outcomes, such as prosocial …
for tests of religion's causal effect on a number of psychological outcomes, such as prosocial …
Religion and morality.
The relationship between religion and morality has long been hotly debated. Does religion
make us more moral? Is it necessary for morality? Do moral inclinations emerge …
make us more moral? Is it necessary for morality? Do moral inclinations emerge …
Religion and reactance to COVID-19 mitigation guidelines.
During the current COVID-19 pandemic, religious gatherings have become intense hot spots
for the spread of the virus. In this research, we focus on the religiosity of communities to …
for the spread of the virus. In this research, we focus on the religiosity of communities to …
Religion and well-being: The mediating role of positive emotions
Research has consistently shown that endorsing a religion or spirituality is to some extent
related to one's well-being. Common studied explanations tap into the social and cognitive …
related to one's well-being. Common studied explanations tap into the social and cognitive …
Does religious belief promote prosociality? A critical examination.
LW Galen - Psychological bulletin, 2012 - psycnet.apa.org
Numerous authors have suggested that religious belief has a positive association, possibly
causal, with prosocial behavior. This article critiques evidence regarding this “religious …
causal, with prosocial behavior. This article critiques evidence regarding this “religious …
[หนังสือ][B] The nonreligious: Understanding secular people and societies
P Zuckerman, LW Galen, FL Pasquale - 2016 - books.google.com
The number of nonreligious people has increased dramatically over the past several
decades, yet scholarship on the nonreligious is severely lacking. In response to this critical …
decades, yet scholarship on the nonreligious is severely lacking. In response to this critical …
[HTML][HTML] Does religion predict coronavirus conspiracy beliefs? Centrality of religiosity, religious fundamentalism, and COVID-19 conspiracy beliefs
There has been an increasing interest in the relationship between religion and psychosocial
functioning during the COVID-19 pandemic. Interestingly, emerging recent findings suggest …
functioning during the COVID-19 pandemic. Interestingly, emerging recent findings suggest …
Religiosity and prejudice revisited: In-group favoritism, out-group derogation, or both?
Two studies focused on the relationship between religiosity and intergroup bias. In Study 1,
participants completed brief measures of religiosity and spirituality and attitudes toward …
participants completed brief measures of religiosity and spirituality and attitudes toward …
[PDF][PDF] Intergroup relations
The primary elections that set the stage for the 2008 US presidential elections constituted a
“premi è re” in American history. Traditionally, party delegates end up choosing among …
“premi è re” in American history. Traditionally, party delegates end up choosing among …
Religion, spirituality, and altruism.
V Saroglou - 2013 - psycnet.apa.org
The world religions proclaim prosocial values (Habito & Inaba, 2006), but it is still unclear
whether these values translate into behaviors (Ellens, 2007) and whether they are really …
whether these values translate into behaviors (Ellens, 2007) and whether they are really …