Retracted: A short review on analytical methods for the capillary oscillator in a nanoscale deformable tube

JH He, X ** - Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
Retraction: He, J–H, **, X.'A short review on analytical methods for the capillary oscillator in
a nanoscale deformable tube'Math Meth Appl Sci. 2020; 1–8. doi: 10.1002/mma. 6321 The …

[HTML][HTML] Periodic property of the time-fractional Kundu–Mukherjee–Naskar equation

JH He, YO El-Dib - Results in Physics, 2020 - Elsevier
Abstract The Kundu–Mukherjee–Naskar equation (KMN) can model the data transmission in
birefringent fibers through molecules or pulses in a few Femto-seconds. A fractional …

Homotopy perturbation method for N/MEMS oscillators

N Anjum, JH He - Mathematical methods in the applied …, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
The nano/microelectromechanical systems (N/MEMS) have caught much attention in the
past few decades for their attractive properties such as small size (low mass), high reliability …

Fast identification of the pull-in voltage of a nano/micro-electromechanical system

JH He, N Qie, CH He, K Gepreel - Journal of Low Frequency …, 2022 -
The pull-in voltage is crucial in designing an optimal nano/micro-electromechanical system
(N/MEMS). It is vital to have a simple formulation to calculate the pull-in voltage with …

Fangzhu (方诸): An ancient Chinese nanotechnology for water collection from air: History, mathematical insight, promises, and challenges

CH He, JH He, HM Sedighi - Mathematical Methods in the …, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
In an ancient Chinese book called Huainanzi (淮南子), it records that 阳燧见日则然而为火,
方诸见月则津而为水. Literally, it means that Yangsui (阳燧) produces fire when it sees the …

Effect of Fangzhu's nanoscale surface morphology on water collection

KL Wang - Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
This paper suggests a fractal mathematical model for Fangzhu's water collection by taking
into account its nanoscale surface morphology. A fractal variational principle is established …

Residual calculation in He's frequency–amplitude formulation

Y Wu, YP Liu - Journal of Low Frequency Noise, Vibration …, 2021 -
He's frequency–amplitude formulation and its modifications mainly depend upon the
residual calculation. A suitable choice of a residual leads to an ideal result. This paper …

Local discontinuous Galerkin approximations to fractional Bagley‐Torvik equation

M Izadi, MR Negar - Mathematical Methods in the Applied …, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
In this research, numerical approximation to fractional Bagley‐Torvik equation as an
important model arising in fluid mechanics is investigated. Our discretization algorithm is …

A modified harmonic balance method to obtain higher-order approximations to strongly nonlinear oscillators

MA Hosen, MSH Chowdhury, GM Ismail… - Journal of …, 2020 - Taylor & Francis
We propose a new method, namely, the modified harmonic balance method. This paper also
analyses and offers the high-order approximate periodic solutions to the strongly nonlinear …

Model modification and feature study of Duffing oscillator

T Chen, X Cao, D Niu - Journal of Low Frequency Noise …, 2022 -
With the development of chaos theory, Duffing oscillator has been extensively studied in
many fields, especially in electronic signal processing. As a nonlinear oscillator, Duffing …