Theory of nuclear fission

N Schunck, D Regnier - Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics, 2022‏ - Elsevier
Atomic nuclei are quantum many-body systems of protons and neutrons held together by
strong nuclear forces. Under the proper conditions, nuclei can break into two (sometimes …

Gamma-ray spectroscopy of fission fragments with state-of-the-art techniques

S Leoni, C Michelagnoli, JN Wilson - La Rivista del Nuovo Cimento, 2022‏ - Springer
The paper reviews recent developments in γ-ray spectroscopy of the neutron-rich fragments
produced in nuclear fission. This subject has been an intensive area of study spanning more …

Generation of fragment angular momentum in fission

J Randrup, R Vogt - Physical review letters, 2021‏ - APS
A recent analysis of experimental data [J. Wilson, Nature (London) 590, 566 (2021) NATUAS
0028-0836 10.1038/s41586-021-03304-w] found that the angular momenta of nuclear …

Fragment intrinsic spins and fragments' relative orbital angular momentum in nuclear fission

A Bulgac, I Abdurrahman, K Godbey, I Stetcu - Physical Review Letters, 2022‏ - APS
We present the first fully unrestricted microscopic calculations of the primary fission fragment
intrinsic spins and of the fission fragments' relative orbital angular momentum for U 236*, Pu …

Probing fission fragment angular momenta by photon measurements

J Randrup, T Døssing, R Vogt - Physical Review C, 2022‏ - APS
We discuss how the measurement of photon angular correlations can reveal information
about the orientation of the fission fragment angular momenta. Photons from identified …

Angular momentum of fission fragments from microscopic theory

P Marević, N Schunck, J Randrup, R Vogt - Physical Review C, 2021‏ - APS
During nuclear fission, a heavy nucleus splits into two rotating fragments. The associated
angular momentum is large, yet the mechanism of its generation and its dependence on the …

Angular momentum in fission fragments

T Døssing, S Åberg, M Albertsson, BG Carlsson… - Physical Review C, 2024‏ - APS
We suggest that the angular momentum in fission fragments is generated by statistical
excitation at scission. The magnitude of the angular momentum is determined by excitation …

Angular Momentum Removal by Neutron and -Ray Emissions during Fission Fragment Decays

I Stetcu, AE Lovell, P Talou, T Kawano, S Marin… - Physical Review Letters, 2021‏ - APS
We investigate the angular momentum removal from fission fragments (FFs) through neutron
and γ-ray emission, finding that about half the neutrons are emitted with angular momenta≥ …

Isomeric yield ratios in proton-induced fission of

Z Gao, A Solders, A Al-Adili, S Cannarozzo, M Lantz… - Physical Review C, 2023‏ - APS
Background: Isomeric yield ratios are an important observable in nuclear fission as they can
guide model development by providing insight into the angular momentum generation …

Spatial orientation of the fission fragment intrinsic spins and their correlations

G Scamps, I Abdurrahman, M Kafker, A Bulgac, I Stetcu - Physical Review C, 2023‏ - APS
New experimental and theoretical results obtained in 2021 made it acutely clear that more
than 80 years after the discovery of nuclear fission we do not understand the generation and …