A conceptual model and taxonomy for collaborative augmented reality
To support the nuances of collaborative work, many researchers have been exploring the
field of Augmented Reality (AR), aiming to assist in co-located or remote scenarios …
field of Augmented Reality (AR), aiming to assist in co-located or remote scenarios …
A critical analysis on remote collaboration mediated by Augmented Reality: Making a case for improved characterization and evaluation of the collaborative process
Abstract Remote Collaboration mediated by Mixed and Augmented Reality (MR/AR) shows
great potential in scenarios where physically distributed collaborators need to establish a …
great potential in scenarios where physically distributed collaborators need to establish a …
A vision for contextualized evaluation of remote collaboration supported by AR
Abstract Remote collaboration using Augmented Reality (AR) has potential to support
physically distributed team-members that need to achieve a common goal by increasing …
physically distributed team-members that need to achieve a common goal by increasing …
Descriptive theory of awareness for groupware development
People working in a cooperative manner need to be updated on events and informed about
other users and their activities in their workspaces in order to collaborate effectively. It is …
other users and their activities in their workspaces in order to collaborate effectively. It is …
Applying thematic analysis to define an awareness interpretation for collaborative computer games
Context Collaborative computer games have evolved from single-player to massively
multiplayer awareness-demanding games, usually involving collaboration to achieve team …
multiplayer awareness-demanding games, usually involving collaboration to achieve team …
Cues to fast‐forward collaboration: A Survey of Workspace Awareness and Visual Cues in XR Collaborative Systems
Collaboration in extended reality (XR) environments presents complex challenges that
revolve around how users perceive the presence, intentions, and actions of their …
revolve around how users perceive the presence, intentions, and actions of their …
Modelling on mobile devices: A systematic map** study
Modelling is central to many disciplines in engineering and the natural and social sciences.
A wide variety of modelling languages and tools have been proposed along the years …
A wide variety of modelling languages and tools have been proposed along the years …
Enhancing python compiler error messages via stack
E Thiselton, C Treude - 2019 ACM/IEEE International …, 2019 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Background: Compilers tend to produce cryptic and uninformative error messages, leaving
programmers confused and requiring them to spend precious time to resolve the underlying …
programmers confused and requiring them to spend precious time to resolve the underlying …
Exploring effects of multi-touch tabletop on collaborative fraction learning and the relationship of learning behavior and interaction with learning achievement
This study designed a learning system to facilitate elementary school students' fraction
learning. An experiment was carried out to investigate how the system, which runs on multi …
learning. An experiment was carried out to investigate how the system, which runs on multi …
Comparing the effect of audio and visual notifications on workspace awareness using head-mounted displays for remote collaboration in augmented reality
In many fields of activity, working in teams is necessary for completing tasks in a proper
manner and often requires visual context-related information to be exchanged between …
manner and often requires visual context-related information to be exchanged between …