Parenting is genetically influenced: What does that mean for research into child and adolescent social development?
T Kretschmer - Social Development, 2023 - Wiley Online Library
Individual differences in child and adolescent social development are due to a combination
of variation in genetic propensity and environmental conditions. That is, variation in social …
of variation in genetic propensity and environmental conditions. That is, variation in social …
The adaptive stochasticity hypothesis: Modeling equifinality, multifinality, and adaptation to adversity
Neural phenotypes are the result of probabilistic developmental processes. This means that
stochasticity is an intrinsic aspect of the brain as it self-organizes over a protracted period. In …
stochasticity is an intrinsic aspect of the brain as it self-organizes over a protracted period. In …
Polygenic risk for depression and anterior and posterior hippocampal volume in children and adolescents
Background Depression has frequently been associated with smaller hippocampal volume.
The hippocampus varies in function along its anterior-posterior axis, with the anterior …
The hippocampus varies in function along its anterior-posterior axis, with the anterior …
Educational attainment polygenic scores, socioeconomic factors, and cortical structure in children and adolescents
Genome‐wide polygenic scores for educational attainment (PGS‐EA) and socioeconomic
factors, which are correlated with each other, have been consistently associated with …
factors, which are correlated with each other, have been consistently associated with …
Language development and behavioral systems
M Pelaez, G Novak - The Psychological Record, 2024 - Springer
We present the core principles of a behavioral systems theory (BST) that incorporates
dynamical systems concepts and applies them to a behavior analysis of early language …
dynamical systems concepts and applies them to a behavior analysis of early language …
Effects of polygenes, parent–child relationship and frustration on junior high school students' aggressive behaviors
M Zhang, Z Jiang, K Zhao, Y Zhang, M Xu… - PsyCh journal, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
The effects of the interaction between polygenes and the parent–child relationship on junior
high school students' aggressive behaviors were explored through the frameworks of gene …
high school students' aggressive behaviors were explored through the frameworks of gene …
A person‐centered data analytic approach to dopaminergic polygenic moderation of child maltreatment exposure
The present study illustrates the utility of latent class analysis, a person‐centered data
analytic approach, as an innovative method for identifying naturally occurring patterns of …
analytic approach, as an innovative method for identifying naturally occurring patterns of …
[HTML][HTML] Using sibling models to unpack the relationship between education and cognitive functioning in later life
P Herd, K Sicinski - SSM-Population Health, 2022 - Elsevier
As the population ages and the prevalence of dementia increases, unpacking robust and
persistent associations between educational attainment and later life cognitive functioning is …
persistent associations between educational attainment and later life cognitive functioning is …
Current Complexities in Establishing Risk Factors for Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder in Longitudinal Research
KN Thompson - Biological Psychiatry, 2024 - biologicalpsychiatryjournal.com
A long-term goal of psychiatric research is to understand the process by which psychiatric
disorders develop over time and lead to impairing symptoms. Attention-deficit/hyperactivity …
disorders develop over time and lead to impairing symptoms. Attention-deficit/hyperactivity …
The nature, structure, and neural signature of early life adversity
M Vedechkina - 2024 - repository.cam.ac.uk
The develo** brain is shaped dynamically by our environmental experiences. One
particularly salient environmental influence is that of adversity experienced in early life. The …
particularly salient environmental influence is that of adversity experienced in early life. The …