The affective gradient hypothesis: An affect-centered account of motivated behavior
A Shenhav - Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 2024 -
Everyone agrees that feelings and actions are intertwined, but cannot agree how. According
to dominant models, actions are directed by estimates of value and these values shape or …
to dominant models, actions are directed by estimates of value and these values shape or …
Neural and Computational Mechanisms of Motivation and Decision-making
DM Yee - Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 2024 -
Motivation is often thought to enhance adaptive decision-making by biasing actions toward
rewards and away from punishment. Emerging evidence, however, points to a more …
rewards and away from punishment. Emerging evidence, however, points to a more …
Broadscale dampening of uncertainty adjustment in the aging brain
The ability to prioritize among input features according to relevance enables adaptive
behaviors across the human lifespan. However, relevance often remains ambiguous, and …
behaviors across the human lifespan. However, relevance often remains ambiguous, and …
Robust memory of face moral values is encoded in the human caudate tail: a simultaneous EEG-fMRI study
Moral judgements about people based on their actions is a key component that guides
social decision making. It is currently unknown how positive or negative moral judgments …
social decision making. It is currently unknown how positive or negative moral judgments …
[PDF][PDF] A Modern View of Placebo Interventions: From Comparative Clinical Trials to Novel Therapies to Quantum Tunnelling
SK Niazi - Preprints: Preprints, 2024 -
The placebo effect can induce neurological and organic responses, physiological or clinical,
despite receiving no active ingredients, based on the perceptions of the recipient. The …
despite receiving no active ingredients, based on the perceptions of the recipient. The …
Trial-by-trial detection of cognitive events in neural time-series
Measuring the time-course of neural events that make up cognitive processing is crucial to
understand the relationship between brain and behavior. To this aim, we formulated a …
understand the relationship between brain and behavior. To this aim, we formulated a …
[HTML][HTML] Placebo Effects: Neurological Mechanisms Inducing Physiological, Organic, and Belief Responses—A Prospective Analysis
SK Niazi - Healthcare, 2024 -
The placebo effect can induce physiological or clinical neurological and organic responses
despite the recipient receiving no active ingredients; these responses are based instead on …
despite the recipient receiving no active ingredients; these responses are based instead on …
[PDF][PDF] 证据积累模型的行为与认知神经证据
刘逸康, 胡传鹏 - 科学通报, 2023 -
摘要证据积累模型(evidence accumulation models, EAM) 是关于人类决策过程的主要认知模型
之一, 其假定决策者不断搜集信息并将信息整合成与决策有关的证据, 当累积证据量达到某个 …
之一, 其假定决策者不断搜集信息并将信息整合成与决策有关的证据, 当累积证据量达到某个 …
Mutual inclusivity improves decision-making by smoothing out choice's competitive edge
Decisions form a central bottleneck to most tasks, one that people often experience as
costly. Previous work proposes mitigating those costs by lowering one's threshold for …
costly. Previous work proposes mitigating those costs by lowering one's threshold for …
From DDMs to DNNs: Using process data and models of decision making to improve human-AI interactions.
Over the past decades, cognitive neuroscientists and behavioral economists have
recognized the value of describing the process of decision making in detail and modeling …
recognized the value of describing the process of decision making in detail and modeling …