Freshwater and soil foraminifera–a story of long-forgotten relatives
Foraminifera are a primarily marine taxon widespread in all oceanic habitats, from shallow,
brackish-water settings to deep-seafloor and pelagic realms. Their diversity is remarkable …
brackish-water settings to deep-seafloor and pelagic realms. Their diversity is remarkable …
Opportunities and challenges in incorporating benthic foraminifera in marine and coastal environmental biomonitoring of soft sediments: from science to regulation …
Scientific studies have demonstrated the usefulness of benthic foraminifera as bioindicators
to assess the health of marine, coastal, and transitional ecosystems. Similar to macrofauna …
to assess the health of marine, coastal, and transitional ecosystems. Similar to macrofauna …
Metadata standards and practical guidelines for specimen and DNA curation when building barcode reference libraries for aquatic life
DNA barcoding and metabarcoding is increasingly used to effectively and precisely assess
and monitor biodiversity in aquatic ecosystems. As these methods rely on data availability …
and monitor biodiversity in aquatic ecosystems. As these methods rely on data availability …
Mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) metabarcoding of Foraminifera communities using taxon-specific primers
Foraminifera are a species-rich phylum of rhizarian protists that are highly abundant in most
marine environments. Molecular methods such as metabarcoding have revealed a high, yet …
marine environments. Molecular methods such as metabarcoding have revealed a high, yet …
[HTML][HTML] Taxon-rich transcriptomics supports higher-level phylogeny and major evolutionary trends in Foraminifera
Foraminifera, classified in the supergroup Rhizaria, are a common and highly diverse group
of mainly marine protists. Despite their evolutionary and ecological importance, only limited …
of mainly marine protists. Despite their evolutionary and ecological importance, only limited …
When ecological transitions are not so infrequent: independent colonizations of athalassohaline water bodies by Arcellidae (Arcellinida; Amoebozoa), with …
The salinity and humidity barriers divide biodiversity and strongly influence the distribution of
organisms. Crossing them opens the possibility for organisms to colonize new niches and …
organisms. Crossing them opens the possibility for organisms to colonize new niches and …
Broad sampling of monothalamids (Rhizaria, Foraminifera) gives further insight into diversity of non-marine Foraminifera
F Siemensma, M Holzmann… - European journal of …, 2021 - Elsevier
Non-marine foraminifera are among the least known groups of protists and only a handful of
species have been described since the 19th century. We collected one naked and five …
species have been described since the 19th century. We collected one naked and five …
High diversity and abundance of Foraminifera associated with Mediterranean benthic red algae mats
The Mediterranean Sea comprises habitats such as Posidonia oceanica seagrass meadows
that exhibit high associated biodiversity of sessile organisms. Recent pilot research …
that exhibit high associated biodiversity of sessile organisms. Recent pilot research …
[HTML][HTML] Novel contributions to the molecular and morphological diversity of freshwater monothalamid foraminifera: Description of six new species
F Siemensma, M Holzmann - European Journal of Protistology, 2023 - Elsevier
Non-marine monothalamous foraminifera are common in freshwater and soil habitats. They
comprise a poorly-known group lacking sufficient information about diversity, morphology …
comprise a poorly-known group lacking sufficient information about diversity, morphology …
COI metabarcoding of large benthic Foraminifera: Method validation for application in ecological studies
Monitoring community composition of Foraminifera (single‐celled marine protists) provides
valuable insights into environmental conditions in marine ecosystems. Despite the efficiency …
valuable insights into environmental conditions in marine ecosystems. Despite the efficiency …