A systematic literature review on the barriers faced by newcomers to open source software projects
Context Numerous open source software projects are based on volunteers collaboration
and require a continuous influx of newcomers for their continuity. Newcomers face barriers …
and require a continuous influx of newcomers for their continuity. Newcomers face barriers …
Women's participation in open source software: A survey of the literature
Women are underrepresented in Open Source Software (OSS) projects, as a result of which,
not only do women lose career and skill development opportunities, but the projects …
not only do women lose career and skill development opportunities, but the projects …
The power of bots: Characterizing and understanding bots in oss projects
Leveraging the pull request model of social coding platforms, Open Source Software (OSS)
integrators review developers' contributions, checking aspects like license, code quality, and …
integrators review developers' contributions, checking aspects like license, code quality, and …
Work practices and challenges in pull-based development: The contributor's perspective
The pull-based development model is an emerging way of contributing to distributed
software projects that is gaining enormous popularity within the open source software (OSS) …
software projects that is gaining enormous popularity within the open source software (OSS) …
How social and communication channels shape and challenge a participatory culture in software development
Software developers use many different communication tools and channels in their work.
The diversity of these tools has dramatically increased over the past decade and developers …
The diversity of these tools has dramatically increased over the past decade and developers …
How do software developers use github actions to automate their workflows?
Automated tools are frequently used in social coding repositories to perform repetitive
activities that are part of the distributed software development process. Recently, GitHub …
activities that are part of the distributed software development process. Recently, GitHub …
Please turn your cameras on: Remote onboarding of software developers during a pandemic
The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted the way that software development teams onboard
new hires. Previously, most software developers worked in physical offices and new hires …
new hires. Previously, most software developers worked in physical offices and new hires …
Gender diversity and women in software teams: How do they affect community smells?
As social as software engineers are, there is a known and established gender imbalance in
our community structures, regardless of their open-or closed-source nature. To shed light on …
our community structures, regardless of their open-or closed-source nature. To shed light on …
Committed to trust: A qualitative study on security & trust in open source software projects
Open Source Software plays an important role in many software ecosystems. Whether in
operating systems, network stacks, or as low-level system drivers, software we encounter …
operating systems, network stacks, or as low-level system drivers, software we encounter …
Are bullies more productive? Empirical study of affectiveness vs. issue fixing time
Human Affectiveness, ie, The emotional state of a person, plays a crucial role in many
domains where it can make or break a team's ability to produce successful products …
domains where it can make or break a team's ability to produce successful products …