Investigating soil moisture–climate interactions in a changing climate: A review

SI Seneviratne, T Corti, EL Davin, M Hirschi… - Earth-Science …, 2010 - Elsevier
Soil moisture is a key variable of the climate system. It constrains plant transpiration and
photosynthesis in several regions of the world, with consequent impacts on the water …

Exchange processes in the atmospheric boundary layer over mountainous terrain

S Serafin, B Adler, J Cuxart, SFJ De Wekker, A Gohm… - Atmosphere, 2018 -
The exchange of heat, momentum, and mass in the atmosphere over mountainous terrain is
controlled by synoptic-scale dynamics, thermally driven mesoscale circulations, and …

Diurnal mountain wind systems

D Zardi, CD Whiteman - … research and forecasting: Recent progress and …, 2012 - Springer
Diurnal mountain wind systems are local thermally driven wind systems that form over
mountainous terrain and are produced by the buoyancy effects associated with the diurnal …

Boundary-layer flow over complex topography

J Finnigan, K Ayotte, I Harman, G Katul… - Boundary-Layer …, 2020 - Springer
We review developments in the field of boundary-layer flow over complex topography,
focussing on the period from 1970 to the present day. The review follows two parallel …

Examining two-way grid nesting for large eddy simulation of the PBL using the WRF model

CH Moeng, J Dudhia, J Klemp… - Monthly weather …, 2007 -
The performance of two-way nesting for large eddy simulation (LES) of PBL turbulence is
investigated using the Weather Research and Forecasting model framework. A pair of LES …

Convective boundary layer heights over mountainous terrain—a review of concepts

SFJ De Wekker, M Kossmann - Frontiers in Earth Science, 2015 -
Mountainous terrain exerts an important influence on the Earth's atmosphere and affects
atmospheric transport and mixing at a wide range of temporal and spatial scales. The …

On the measurement of turbulence over complex mountainous terrain

I Stiperski, MW Rotach - Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 2016 - Springer
The theoretical treatment of turbulence is largely based on the assumption of horizontally
homogeneous and flat underlying surfaces. Correspondingly, approaches developed over …

High-resolution large-eddy simulations of flow in a steep Alpine valley. Part I: Methodology, verification, and sensitivity experiments

FK Chow, AP Weigel, RL Street… - Journal of Applied …, 2006 -
This paper investigates the steps necessary to achieve accurate simulations of flow over
steep, mountainous terrain. Large-eddy simulations of flow in the Riviera Valley in the …

On the boundary‐layer structure over highly complex terrain: Key findings from MAP

MW Rotach, D Zardi - … of the Royal Meteorological Society: A …, 2007 - Wiley Online Library
Within MAP, one of the scientific projects was devoted to 'Boundary Layers in Complex
Terrain'. In a number of subprojects, boundary‐layer issues were addressed and detailed …