Environmental impacts of biodiesel production cycle from farm to manufactory: an application of sustainable systems engineering
One of the key challenges in using fossil fuels is the environmental impacts of these energy
sources, and to reduce these destructive effects, the use of renewable energy sources …
sources, and to reduce these destructive effects, the use of renewable energy sources …
Effect of producer gas from redgram stalk and combustion chamber types on the emission and performance characteristics of diesel engine
The engine performance has been improved by modifying the combustion chamber shape
of the diesel engine for dual-fuel operation with liquid fuel and producer gas (PG). The …
of the diesel engine for dual-fuel operation with liquid fuel and producer gas (PG). The …
Qualitative and quantitative characterisation of major elements in particulate matter from in-use diesel engine passenger vehicles by LIBS
R Viskup, C Wolf, W Baumgartner - Energies, 2020 - mdpi.com
In this research we apply a high-resolution optical emission spectroscopy technique for
spectrochemical analysis of collected diesel particulate matter. We use the laser-induced …
spectrochemical analysis of collected diesel particulate matter. We use the laser-induced …
Laser induced incandescence imaging for the investigation of soot formation in laminar flames
RG Roy - 2019 - stax.strath.ac.uk
This work has been aimed at applying laser induced incandescence imaging for the
measurement of soot concentration within a variety of novel flame sources and setups. Laser …
measurement of soot concentration within a variety of novel flame sources and setups. Laser …
Atık yağ biyodizelinin farklı sıkıştırma oranlarındaki dizel motorlarda kullanımının uygunluğunun araştırılması
Dünya genelinde enerji gereksinimi artış trendi içersindedir ve bu artış hali hazırda özellikle
petrol türevli yakıtlarla karşılanmaktadır. Artan çevresel kaygılar sebebiyle günümüzde …
petrol türevli yakıtlarla karşılanmaktadır. Artan çevresel kaygılar sebebiyle günümüzde …
Spectrochemical analytical characterisation of particulate matter emissions generated from in-use Diesel engine vehicles
Pollutant emissions from vehicles form major sources of metallic nanoparticles entering the
environment and surrounding atmosphere. In this research, we spectrochemically analyse …
environment and surrounding atmosphere. In this research, we spectrochemically analyse …
Karakteristik Pembakaran Difusi Solar Dengan Penambahan Biodiesel Minyak Ampas Kelapa (Cocos Nucifera)
BB Busthomi - repository.unej.ac.id
Biodiesel salah satu bagian biofuel yang dapat menggantikan bahan bakar fosil saat krisis
bahan bakar dan krisis polusi lingkungan. Ampas kelapa adalah salah satu bahan baku …
bahan bakar dan krisis polusi lingkungan. Ampas kelapa adalah salah satu bahan baku …
[PDF][PDF] Karakteristik Pembakaran Difusi Solar Dengan Penambahan Biodiesel Minyak Ampas Kelapa (Cocos Nucifera)
B Bayazid Busthomi - repository.unej.ac.id
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