[PDF][PDF] A review on literature of Waqf for poverty alleviation between 2006-2016

NA Atan, F Johari - Library Philosophy and Practice, 2017 - researchgate.net
Abstract Background-The success of Waqf as a source of socio-economic financing in
Islamic history in develo** a country by providing the social and public goods to the …

[HTML][HTML] Sustainable development, regional planning, and information management as an evolving theme in waqf research: a bibliometric analysis

H Misbah, F Johari, F Mat Nor, H Haron, S Shahwan… - Sustainability, 2022 - mdpi.com
This study assesses the bibliometric analysis of sustainable waqf development that
highlights new topics and provides insightful commentary for the waqf's strategic growth and …

The role of Islamic social finance in societal welfare: a case study of selected IFBOs in southwest Nigeria

AA Shuaib, M Sohail - International Journal of Islamic and Middle …, 2022 - emerald.com
Purpose This study aims to examine the role of Islamic social finance (ISF) instruments such
as Zakah, Sadaqah and Waqf in the provision of social services by Islamic faith-based …

The role of trust on investors' intention to shares waqf in Indonesia

IA Amin, MNR Al Arif - Jurnal Ekonomi & Keuangan Islam, 2024 - journal.uii.ac.id
Purpose–This study examines the direct and indirect relationships between the variables of
waqf literacy, reputation, and integrity and investors' intentions in waqf shares. Methodology …

Corporate waqf: Discovering the primary challenges

H Yusoff, MIH Kamaruddin… - The Journal of …, 2021 - jmifr.usim.edu.my
This study aims to explore and understand the key challenges of corporate waqf
management and its implementation, particularly in Malaysia. This study adopted a …

[PDF][PDF] Exploring the contemporary issues of corporate share waqf model in Malaysia with the reference to the Waqaf An-Nur Corporation Berhad

M Thaker, HMT Thaker - Jurnal Pengurusan, 2015 - ukm.my
The paper aims to explore the administration and management issues of Corporate Share
Waqf Model through the experience of Waqaf An-Nur Corporation Berhad. The qualitative …

Analisis strategi penghimpunan wakaf saham di Indonesia

N Hakim - Al-Awqaf: Jurnal Wakaf Dan Ekonomi Islam, 2020 - jurnal.bwi.go.id
Waqf is potentially because the number of Muslims reaches 87 percent of peoples in
Indonesia. Share waqf also called stock waqf is one of the productive waqfs in the Islamic …

[PDF][PDF] Pengembangan wakaf produktif dan peranan sektor keuangan di Indonesia

MA Nizar - Kajian Pusat Kebijakan Sektor Keuangan Badan …, 2016 - fiskal.kemenkeu.go.id
Wakaf merupakan instrumen ekonomi Islam yang unik yang mendasarkan fungsinya pada
unsur kebajikan (birr), kebaikan (ihsan) dan persaudaraan (ukhuwah). Ciri utama yang …

Quality Of Human Resources in Waqf Institution: Counterproductive Study on Muhammadiyah Charity Business

P Setiawan, R Ritonga, K Hasibuan - Calitatea, 2022 - search.proquest.com
Muhammadiyah has many assets and many are not productive. This reality is caused by
human resources having counterproductive work behavior. This study aimed to reveal the …

The indexing of resources toward nazhir waqf

S Bin Lahuri - Jurnal Ekonomi & Keuangan Islam, 2023 - repo.unida.gontor.ac.id
Purpose–This paper aims to find the factors for designing an index of the quality of
develo** human resources as nadzir waqf to control and to be the reference for waqf …