[PDF][PDF] A review on literature of Waqf for poverty alleviation between 2006-2016
NA Atan, F Johari - Library Philosophy and Practice, 2017 - researchgate.net
Abstract Background-The success of Waqf as a source of socio-economic financing in
Islamic history in develo** a country by providing the social and public goods to the …
Islamic history in develo** a country by providing the social and public goods to the …
[HTML][HTML] Sustainable development, regional planning, and information management as an evolving theme in waqf research: a bibliometric analysis
This study assesses the bibliometric analysis of sustainable waqf development that
highlights new topics and provides insightful commentary for the waqf's strategic growth and …
highlights new topics and provides insightful commentary for the waqf's strategic growth and …
The role of Islamic social finance in societal welfare: a case study of selected IFBOs in southwest Nigeria
AA Shuaib, M Sohail - International Journal of Islamic and Middle …, 2022 - emerald.com
Purpose This study aims to examine the role of Islamic social finance (ISF) instruments such
as Zakah, Sadaqah and Waqf in the provision of social services by Islamic faith-based …
as Zakah, Sadaqah and Waqf in the provision of social services by Islamic faith-based …
The role of trust on investors' intention to shares waqf in Indonesia
IA Amin, MNR Al Arif - Jurnal Ekonomi & Keuangan Islam, 2024 - journal.uii.ac.id
Purpose–This study examines the direct and indirect relationships between the variables of
waqf literacy, reputation, and integrity and investors' intentions in waqf shares. Methodology …
waqf literacy, reputation, and integrity and investors' intentions in waqf shares. Methodology …
Corporate waqf: Discovering the primary challenges
H Yusoff, MIH Kamaruddin… - The Journal of …, 2021 - jmifr.usim.edu.my
This study aims to explore and understand the key challenges of corporate waqf
management and its implementation, particularly in Malaysia. This study adopted a …
management and its implementation, particularly in Malaysia. This study adopted a …
[PDF][PDF] Exploring the contemporary issues of corporate share waqf model in Malaysia with the reference to the Waqaf An-Nur Corporation Berhad
M Thaker, HMT Thaker - Jurnal Pengurusan, 2015 - ukm.my
The paper aims to explore the administration and management issues of Corporate Share
Waqf Model through the experience of Waqaf An-Nur Corporation Berhad. The qualitative …
Waqf Model through the experience of Waqaf An-Nur Corporation Berhad. The qualitative …
Analisis strategi penghimpunan wakaf saham di Indonesia
N Hakim - Al-Awqaf: Jurnal Wakaf Dan Ekonomi Islam, 2020 - jurnal.bwi.go.id
Waqf is potentially because the number of Muslims reaches 87 percent of peoples in
Indonesia. Share waqf also called stock waqf is one of the productive waqfs in the Islamic …
Indonesia. Share waqf also called stock waqf is one of the productive waqfs in the Islamic …
[PDF][PDF] Pengembangan wakaf produktif dan peranan sektor keuangan di Indonesia
MA Nizar - Kajian Pusat Kebijakan Sektor Keuangan Badan …, 2016 - fiskal.kemenkeu.go.id
Wakaf merupakan instrumen ekonomi Islam yang unik yang mendasarkan fungsinya pada
unsur kebajikan (birr), kebaikan (ihsan) dan persaudaraan (ukhuwah). Ciri utama yang …
unsur kebajikan (birr), kebaikan (ihsan) dan persaudaraan (ukhuwah). Ciri utama yang …
Quality Of Human Resources in Waqf Institution: Counterproductive Study on Muhammadiyah Charity Business
Muhammadiyah has many assets and many are not productive. This reality is caused by
human resources having counterproductive work behavior. This study aimed to reveal the …
human resources having counterproductive work behavior. This study aimed to reveal the …
The indexing of resources toward nazhir waqf
S Bin Lahuri - Jurnal Ekonomi & Keuangan Islam, 2023 - repo.unida.gontor.ac.id
Purpose–This paper aims to find the factors for designing an index of the quality of
develo** human resources as nadzir waqf to control and to be the reference for waqf …
develo** human resources as nadzir waqf to control and to be the reference for waqf …