Geo-spatial market segmentation & characterization exploiting user generated text through transformers & density-based clustering
In data analysis, context information plays a significant role in enhancing the quality of the
insight obtained. Furthermore, spatial analysis helps understand spatial relationships …
insight obtained. Furthermore, spatial analysis helps understand spatial relationships …
Map** consumer sentiment toward wireless services using geospatial twitter data
Hyper-dense wireless network deployment is one of the popular solutions to meeting high
capacity requirement for 5G delivery. However, current operator understanding of consumer …
capacity requirement for 5G delivery. However, current operator understanding of consumer …
Sentiment analysis in social media marketing: Leveraging natural language processing for customer insights
In this day and age of online marketing, social media platforms have evolved into essential
tools for companies to use in order to communicate with their consumers, as well as to …
tools for companies to use in order to communicate with their consumers, as well as to …
Persona analytics: Analyzing the stability of online segments and content interests over time using non-negative matrix factorization
Personified big data and rapidly develo** data science techniques enable previously
unforeseen methodological developments for longitudinal analysis of online audiences …
unforeseen methodological developments for longitudinal analysis of online audiences …
Hybrid deep learning approach for sentiment analysis using text and emojis
A Kuruva, CN Chiluka - Network: Computation in Neural Systems, 2024 - Taylor & Francis
Sentiment Analysis (SA) is a technique for categorizing texts based on the sentimental
polarity of people's opinions. This paper introduces a sentiment analysis (SA) model with …
polarity of people's opinions. This paper introduces a sentiment analysis (SA) model with …
Influencing factors of Indonesian coffee product customer experience in international market: an aspect-based sentiment analysis with GPT-3 Davinci model
International trade is increasingly facilitated by e-commerce platforms, fostering user-
generated content through customer reviews, which can be analysed using sentiment …
generated content through customer reviews, which can be analysed using sentiment …
Sentiment analysis of comments of wooden furniture based on naive Bayesian model
J Ji, H Wang, S Song, J Pi - Progress In Artificial Intelligence, 2021 - Springer
In this paper, the sentiment analysis method based on machine learning is used to analyse
the commodity reviews of wooden furniture which are sold well on MeiLeLe Furniture …
the commodity reviews of wooden furniture which are sold well on MeiLeLe Furniture …
[HTML][HTML] Эмоциональный тон российского, итальянского, немецкого и французского новостного интернет-контента в период разворачивания пандемии …
АС Панфилова, ДВ Ушаков - Психология. Журнал Высшей …, 2022 -
В работе исследуются показатели эмоциональной окраски газетных новостей по
тематике коронавирусной эпидемии, публиковавшихся в различных странах в …
тематике коронавирусной эпидемии, публиковавшихся в различных странах в …
A sentiment analysis software framework for the support of business information architecture in the tourist sector
In recent years, the increased use of digital tools within the Peruvian tourism industry has
created a corresponding increase in revenues. However, both factors have caused …
created a corresponding increase in revenues. However, both factors have caused …
A Sentiment Analysis Software Framework for the Support of Business
In recent years, the increased use of digital tools within the Peruvian tourism industry has
created a corresponding increase in revenues. However, both factors have caused …
created a corresponding increase in revenues. However, both factors have caused …