The self-organization of human interaction
We describe a “centipede's dilemma” that faces the sciences of human interaction. Research
on human interaction has been involved in extensive theoretical debate, although the vast …
on human interaction has been involved in extensive theoretical debate, although the vast …
Classifying conversational entrainment of speech behavior: An expanded framework and review
Conversational entrainment, also known as alignment, accommodation, convergence, and
coordination, is broadly defined as similarity of communicative behavior between …
coordination, is broadly defined as similarity of communicative behavior between …
Investigating automatic measurements of prosodic accommodation and its dynamics in social interaction
Spoken dialogue systems are increasingly being used to facilitate and enhance human
communication. While these interactive systems can process the linguistic aspects of human …
communication. While these interactive systems can process the linguistic aspects of human …
[HTML][HTML] Phonetic accommodation during conversational interactions: an overview
L Barón-Birchenall - Revista Guillermo de Ockham, 2023 - scielo.org.co
During conversational interactions such as tutoring, instruction-giving tasks, verbal
negotiations, or just talking with friends, interlocutors' behaviors experience a series of …
negotiations, or just talking with friends, interlocutors' behaviors experience a series of …
Exploring the alignment space–lexical and gestural alignment with real and virtual humans
Communication is characterized by speakers' dynamic adaptations and coordination of both
linguistic and non-verbal behaviors. Understanding this phenomenon of alignment and its …
linguistic and non-verbal behaviors. Understanding this phenomenon of alignment and its …
Effects of adapting to user pitch on rapport perception, behavior, and state with a social robotic learning companion
Social robots such as learning companions, therapeutic assistants, and tour guides are
dependent on the challenging task of establishing a rapport with their users. People rarely …
dependent on the challenging task of establishing a rapport with their users. People rarely …
Distinct behaviors in convergence across measures
We present data on convergence in the Switchboard corpus, ad-dressing differences across
measures and across speakers. Wemeasured convergence in four characteristics, to test …
measures and across speakers. Wemeasured convergence in four characteristics, to test …
Comfort with robots influences rapport with a social, entraining teachable robot
Teachable agents are pedagogical agents that employ the 'learning-by-teaching'strategy,
which facilitates learning by encouraging students to construct explanations, reflect on …
which facilitates learning by encouraging students to construct explanations, reflect on …
A generic framework for the inference of user states in human computer interaction: How patterns of low level behavioral cues support complex user states in HCI
The analysis of affective or communicational states in human-human and human-computer
interaction (HCI) using automatic machine analysis and learning approaches often suffers …
interaction (HCI) using automatic machine analysis and learning approaches often suffers …
Investigating fine temporal dynamics of prosodic and lexical accommodation
Conversational interaction is a dynamic activity in which participants engage in the
construction of meaning and in establishing and maintaining social relationships. Lexical …
construction of meaning and in establishing and maintaining social relationships. Lexical …