Leveraging ambient lte traffic for ubiquitous passive communication
To support ubiquitous computing for various applications (such as smart health, smart
homes, and smart cities), the communication system requires to be ubiquitously available …
homes, and smart cities), the communication system requires to be ubiquitously available …
Cost-efficient service function chain orchestration for low-latency applications in NFV networks
With the popularization and development of cloud computing, network function virtualization
and service function chain (SFC) provisioning have attracted increasing attention from …
and service function chain (SFC) provisioning have attracted increasing attention from …
Design and performance evaluation of bearer aggregation method in mobile core network with C/U plane separation
What is the best way to evaluate the capacity of a mobile core network with visualization
technologies and C/U plane separation using SDN? How can we increase the capacity …
technologies and C/U plane separation using SDN? How can we increase the capacity …
Effects of C/U plane separation and bearer aggregation in mobile core network
In response to the growing demand for cellular networks, it is essential to improve the
capacity of mobile core networks. Especially, in terms of accommodating machine-to …
capacity of mobile core networks. Especially, in terms of accommodating machine-to …
How much NFV should a service provider adopt?
Network function virtualization and software-defined networking have the potential to
change provider revenue streams and offer new services. We measure the impact of NFV on …
change provider revenue streams and offer new services. We measure the impact of NFV on …
Experimental Evaluation of Mobile Core Networks on Simultaneous Access from M2M/IoT Terminals
Handling congestion in LTE/5G cellular networks has become a critical issue due to recent,
rapid increase in cellular network traffic. Control plane congestion becomes particularly …
rapid increase in cellular network traffic. Control plane congestion becomes particularly …
Leveraging Backscatter for Ultra-Low-Power Wireless Sensing Networks
X Liu - 2022 - search.proquest.com
The vision of the wireless sensing networks (WSNs) is to build the connection between the
digital world and the physical world so that we can monitor, control and change everything …
digital world and the physical world so that we can monitor, control and change everything …
[PDF][PDF] Studies on Mobile Communication System
阿部, 修也 - 2021 - ir.library.osaka-u.ac.jp
Currently, the majority of Internet traffic comes from mobile and IoT devices. This is facilitated
by the shift to cloud computing for applications, richer content for applications on user …
by the shift to cloud computing for applications, richer content for applications on user …
[PDF][PDF] Experimental Evaluation of Accommodation Methods of M2M/IoT Terminals in Mobile Core Networks
M Matsuoka, M Ueno - 2019 - anarg.jp
Due to recent and rapid increase in cellular network traffic, as well as the rapid growth of
M2M/IoT services, handling congestion in Long Term Evolution and 5th generation cellular …
M2M/IoT services, handling congestion in Long Term Evolution and 5th generation cellular …
[PDF][PDF] M2M/IoT 端末の同時接続要求を考慮したモバイルコアネットワークの実験的評価
上野真生, 長谷川剛, 村田**幸 - 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告; 信学技報, 2018 - anarg.jp
上野 真生† 長谷川 剛†† 村田 **幸†† 大阪大学大学院情報科学研究科〒 560–0871
大阪府吹田市山田丘 1–5†† 大阪大学サイバーメディアセンター〒 560–0043 …
大阪府吹田市山田丘 1–5†† 大阪大学サイバーメディアセンター〒 560–0043 …