When people do allyship: A typology of allyship action
Academic Abstract Despite increased popular and academic interest, there is conceptual
ambiguity about what allyship is and the forms it takes. Viewing allyship as a practice, we …
ambiguity about what allyship is and the forms it takes. Viewing allyship as a practice, we …
Using social norms to change behavior and increase sustainability in the real world: A systematic review of the literature
Behavioral change interventions based on social norms have proven to be a popular and
cost-effective way in which both researchers and practitioners attempt to transform behavior …
cost-effective way in which both researchers and practitioners attempt to transform behavior …
Toward a psychological framework of radical healing in communities of color
Advancing beyond individual-level approaches to co** with racial trauma, we introduce a
new psychological framework of radical healing for People of Color and Indigenous …
new psychological framework of radical healing for People of Color and Indigenous …
The making of violent extremists
The authors outline a psychological model of extremism and analyze violent extremism as a
special case of it. Their significance quest theory identifies 3 general drivers of violent …
special case of it. Their significance quest theory identifies 3 general drivers of violent …
Emerging research on intergroup prosociality: Group members' charitable giving, positive contact, allyship, and solidarity with others
This paper describes an emerging body of work on intergroup prosociality, drawing together
parallel literatures and highlighting some of the themes of the recent research. A broad …
parallel literatures and highlighting some of the themes of the recent research. A broad …
How do I feel when I think about taking action? Hope and boredom, not anxiety and helplessness, predict intentions to take climate action
This research examines the extent to which four anticipatory emotional reactions (hope,
anxiety, helplessness, and boredom) that arise when contemplating participating in public …
anxiety, helplessness, and boredom) that arise when contemplating participating in public …
MOBILISE: A higher‐order integration of collective action research to address global challenges
The past decade has witnessed rapid growth in popular protest, alongside an upsurge in
research on collective action. The proliferation of research has been both productive and …
research on collective action. The proliferation of research has been both productive and …
When will collective action be effective? Violent and non-violent protests differentially influence perceptions of legitimacy and efficacy among sympathizers
Collective action will be effective in achieving broader social change goals to the extent that
it influences public opinion yet the degree to which collective action “works” in changing …
it influences public opinion yet the degree to which collective action “works” in changing …
Theorizing critical placemaking as a tool for reclaiming public space
EE Toolis - American journal of community psychology, 2017 - Wiley Online Library
As economic inequality and segregation continue to grow in the US, psychology has an
important role to play in exploring and promoting processes that can disrupt social injustice …
important role to play in exploring and promoting processes that can disrupt social injustice …
The biographical consequences of protest and activism: A systematic review and a new typology
Most research on activist participation has aimed to explain motives to engage in protest and
collective action or becoming an activist. The outcomes, for the individual, have been …
collective action or becoming an activist. The outcomes, for the individual, have been …