Using high-resolution event-based data for traffic modeling and control: An overview

X Wu, HX Liu - Transportation research part C: emerging technologies, 2014 - Elsevier
Research on using high-resolution event-based data for traffic modeling and control is still at
early stage. In this paper, we provide a comprehensive overview on what has been …

Operational performance evaluation of adaptive traffic control systems: A Bayesian modeling approach using real-world GPS and private sector PROBE data

ZH Khattak, MJ Magalotti… - Journal of Intelligent …, 2020 - Taylor & Francis
This evaluation ascertained the operational impacts of the SUTRAC (Scalable Urban Traffic
Control) Adaptive Signal Control Technology (ASCT) in an urban corridor consisting of 23 …

A Vehicle-in-the-Loop (VIL) verification of an all-autonomous intersection control scheme

SA Fayazi, A Vahidi, A Luckow - Transportation Research Part C: Emerging …, 2019 - Elsevier
In this paper, an implementation of a vehicle-in-the-loop (VIL) verification environment is
presented tailored to automated intersection traffic management applications. Although the …

Safety evaluation of an adaptive signal control technology using an empirical Bayes approach

JH Kodi, AE Kitali, T Sando, P Alluri… - … engineering, Part A …, 2022 -
Adaptive signal control technology (ASCT) is a traffic management strategy that optimizes
signal timing based on actual traffic demand. Although meant to improve the operational …

Field evaluations of an adaptive traffic signal—using private-sector probe data

J Hu, MD Fontaine, BB Park, J Ma - Journal of Transportation …, 2016 -
This study evaluated the in-service performance of the InSync adaptive signal control (ASC)
system utilizing field data collected from the private sector travel time vendor INRIX. A total of …

Network-level turning movement counts estimation using traffic controller event-based data

P Xu, X Li, YJ Wu, H Noh - Journal of Intelligent Transportation …, 2023 - Taylor & Francis
Accurate turning movement counts (TMCs) data collected from regional-wide signalized
intersections is critical to regional transportation planning and simulation modeling. A variety …

Effects of connectivity and traffic observability on an adaptive traffic signal control system

SMABA Islam, M Tajalli, R Mohebifard… - Transportation …, 2021 -
The effectiveness of adaptive signal control strategies depends on the level of traffic
observability, which is defined as the ability of a signal controller to estimate traffic state from …

Integrating traffic signal performance measures into agency business processes

CM Day, DM Bullock, H Li, SM Lavrenz, WB Smith… - 2016 -
This report discusses uses of and requirements for performance measures in traffic signal
systems facilitated by high-resolution controller event data. Uses of external travel time …

Traffic signal retiming to improve corridor performance

R Yue, G Yang, D Lin, A Wang, Z Tian - Journal of Transportation …, 2021 -
Traffic signal retiming involves periodically updating existing signal coordination plans of
signalized corridors. Nevertheless, there are still several limitations with the current signal …

Building intelligence in automated traffic signal performance measures with advanced data analytics

T Huang, S Poddar, C Aguilar… - Transportation …, 2018 -
Automated traffic signal performance measures (ATSPMs) are designed to equip traffic
signal controllers with high-resolution data-logging capabilities which may be used to …